This week we begin the Journey of Lent, a journey of 40 days through the Wilderness with Jesus Christ towards Easter. We will discover that Wilderness is a much more positive experience than we might imagine and we pray that we will be drawn into a deeper relationship with Jesus.
Let’s Pray For Naomi Keefe (global mission worker, Brazil)
Pray for children of the Good News Club as they undertake devotional activities at home. Pray for wisdom regarding when to start physical meetings again with the families in the favela. Pray too for the grave Covid situation in Brazil and for the wise distribution of vaccines. Malawi Pray for the people of Malawi to be protected from Covid-19, especially the new South African variant, as healthcare provision is stretched. Pray for the work and witness of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian. |
Moderator 2021
#pcinews By convention our @PCIModerator serves for one year. However, for the first time since 1894, a serving Moderator will be nominated to the General Assembly to serve for a second term of office. Full story on what led to this decision: |
J.John interviews Dr John Kirkby CBE, founder of Christians Against Poverty UK, and unpacks how God called him to help others with significant financial burdens in the UK and internationally.
Today Matt asks, What is assemblies of God?
“Reading Between The Lines” a series working through the bible looking at the well known phrases.
The Land Of Nod
Slow is okay (PCI Blog)
Learning God’s ways: We have found ourselves living through a lot during the pandemic but what are we learning of how God works? Rev Gareth McFadden, minister of Kilbride PC reflects on how we might be learning that slow is okay. |
An interview with Dan Walker about his new book.
Deuteronomy (30 minute video)
This week on 'Bible Books in 30 Minutes,' we're looking at Deuteronomy! What can we learn about the dangers of complacency? Why are the Ten Commandments actually promises? Listen now on UCB Player! (Or wherever you get your podcasts). |
Home Schooling with the Bible Society
The next #Homeschool resource is ready! Focusing on the parable of the two sons in Luke 5.11–20, with the story '??? ??? ???????', it's free to download and packed with exciting activity suggestions. |
Worship Isn't Just a "Me-and-Jesus" Moment
When you worship God on Sundays, isn't it primarily a moment for you and for God—or for you, God, and those around you?
In this new Building Healthy Churches book, Matt Merker explores the Bible’s teaching about corporate worship. It's an activity in which God gathers the church by his grace, unto his glory, for his people’s mutual good, and before the world’s gaze. Corporate Worship: How the Church Gathers as God's People will help Christians view worship as God-centered and mutually edifying, rather than as mere self-fulfillment.
Watch an interview with the Author and Keith Getty.
Laurie McClure has written a Lent devotional she writes -
Growing up in a non-denominational church, I didn’t learn to celebrate Lent like people worshipping in the High Church did, but it definitely fascinated me. My friends skipped bread, sugar, or television for forty days and I wondered what the point of it was.
As I got older, I realized that the purpose was to eliminate something for the period before Easter replicating Jesus’ fast in the desert (Matthew 4:2). Fasting during Lent is a spiritual discipline to hone hearts and souls more towards the Lord. A very worthy season, indeed.
The times for yesterday’s Jigsaw Janice 8:41 Derek 14:34 Today’s puzzle shows the results of the storms this time last year. Play the "February Storm 2020" puzzle! |