Something different on Beside The Burn this week, we begin a study in Paul’s Letter to the Philippians. Later I will be preaching through Philippians and providing what you come to expect from Beside The Burn - a verse by verse daily study. Before we get to that stage I want us to gain an overview of the whole l;etter and understand what Paul was doing when he wrote to this church, so each day there will be a short introduction video and a reading of a section of the letter and then a song based on that section. Imagine you are watching a Musical version of Philippians, and just before each song is performed I pop up and explain what you are about to witness.
The video below gives an introduction to the whole series.
The second video is the introduction to the first song
The Third video is the song with the lyrics.
Although you can listen to each song, you will have to use your imagination as to what the musical would look like.
I hope you enjoy this different approach this week and I pray that you learn about Jesus, and grow to love this letter from Paul.
A repeat of some older Jigsaws this week while Richard is on holiday.
Play the "Harbour Monday" puzzle!