Something different on Beside The Burn this week, we begin a study in Paul’s Letter to the Philippians. Later I will be preaching through Philippians and providing what you come to expect from Beside The Burn - a verse by verse daily study. Before we get to that stage I want us to gain an overview of the whole l;etter and understand what Paul was doing when he wrote to this church, so each day there will be a short introduction video and a reading of a section of the letter and then a song based on that section. Imagine you are watching a Musical version of Philippians, and just before each song is performed I pop up and explain what you are about to witness.
Let’s Pray For Diane Cusick (global mission worker, Zambia)
The CCAP Synod of Zambia is holding a spiritual retreat this week for all serving ministers, which Diane has been involved in organising. Pray that it would be a time of renewal for all. Pray too for Rev Stephen McCracken (First Ballymoney) who is the main speaker. Refugees Pray for refugees around the world, that they will find safety, security, a warm welcome and practical assistance in the countries they arrive in. Pray for governments, aid organisations and Christian churches as they seek ways to help refugees when they first arrive and in the following weeks and months. |
“Reading Between The Lines” a series working through the bible looking at the well known phrases.
In this special episode, J.John speaks with his wife Killy about her own journey of faith, motherhood and ministry.
NIV Radio
Have you heard about NIV Radio? Download our free app for a new way to listen to David Suchet's deep, melodic, unrushed narration of the NIV Bible, 24-7. Available for both iOS and Android Or listen on the web |
Dhea in South East Asia didn't want the Bible that a missionary gave her. She tried to destroy it. But something stopped her - and when she started reading it, she chose to follow Jesus. As a Christian and as a woman, she has faced extreme persecution - but remains hopeful and active in ministry.
Back to some new puzzles this week.
Play the "Portrush Monday" puzzle!