On Sunday coming we will be celebrating Pentecost Sunday, the birthday of the church when the Holy Spirit filled not only the apostles but also the whole house where they were sitting.
Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.
Acts 2:2-4 (NIV)
What are you expecting from God right now? Some of us might expect too much, but honestly, I think most of us expect too little and the outcome of that is that we take the supernatural out of our Christian experience! Some words of Francis Chan come to mind.
“I don’t want my life to be explainable without the Holy Spirit.”
Wednesday Evening Quiz 7:00pm You are invited to join us on Wednesday evening for a short quiz via Zoom. I know that some of you have been using Zoom to keep in touch with family or for work meetings. We haven’t tried this before so we are going to try a Burnside meet up for half an hour on Wednesday evening, 27th May 2020 7:00pm - 7:30pm. You can either take part in the quiz or simply watch and listen to what is going on. If you would like to take part please email [email protected] and I will send you the meeting code and password. It is the same code that was in the Saturday email this week. Join by 6:55pm and be ready to start at 7:00pm. If you do not have Zoom clicking on the meeting code will help you download it. You will need some paper, a pen and a lot of patience. |
The Moderator, Rt. Rev. Dr. William Henry leads his penultimate online Service: Hope Beyond which includes a Prayer of intercession focusing on current mental health pressures during the Coronavirus crisis #mentalhealthawarenessweek.
A celebration for Ascension Day led by the Revd Dr Sam Wells and the Revd Marie-Elsa Bragg, with the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra, The Daily Service Singers and St Martin's Voices. Below is a link to this programme on BBC iplayer.
Keswick at Portstewart is not the only convention that is held outside Keswick in the Lake District. This week, Keswick Ayrshire held an online event on Sunday 24th May 2020, featuring the Keswick Ayrshire band and Peter Maiden. You can watch it here.
This is a really important message to the church from those leading mental and emotional health charities. We need to listen, be equipped & act.
Below are three videos produced by the Bible Society looking at death from different perspectives.
Thank You to Eric for spring these.
VIDEO 1 - What if I didn't have to fear death?
Is there anyone who doesn't fear death? Apparently so. This video from Easter Sunday explores why Christians take strength from the Easter story and how it can give us hope as we face the coronavirus crisis.
Is coronavirus the end of the world? Or just the end of the world as we know it? What does the Bible have to say, and what other wisdom might it have for us as our lives are put on pause?
To those on the front line of the coronavirus crisis we have a message for you.
This is a special message from Bible Society for those in the thick of it taking on the coronavirus crisis, whether in healthcare, as key workers or helping those who are suffering.
A prayer for Mental Health Awareness Week.
Some of you were getting worried that your times for the Jigsaws were increasing, but there were a lot more pieces on Friday.
Jean 11:57
Derek 21:03
There was some debate over where the photograph in the Jigsaw was. It is just beyond the council Offices at Cloonavon, as you go towards Coleraine. Behind the trees there is now a memorial garden which wasn't there in 2010.
New Puzzle for today.
Saturday should have been the annual Raft Race in Portrush which raises money for RNLI, of course The race didn’t take place this year, so here is a Jigsaw of the Lifeboat.
Of course the Witch's Hat is the Bandstand at the Crescent.
Here is your picture for today, and surprisingly it is not on Lever Road in Portstewart.