Each week day this Blog contains prayer topics, articles, a short devotional video and a Jigsaw.
This week we are looking a few commands from the Bible which help us in our daily walk with Jesus.
There are also links below to the previous Blogs this week, so that you and catch up on any that you have missed.
Beside The Burn
A short devotional video (Above) to watch each day.
Or listen to via the Podcast software on your phone https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/burnside
Let’s Pray For Sunday 2 February
The Moderator will be leading services in Churchtown on Sunday morning and at First Ahoghill in the evening as he concludes his Ballymena Presbytery tour. This week the Moderator will be participating in the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC and attending the Summit on Religious Freedom. Pray for the Moderator as he meets with Bob Fu from China Aid.
Worship: Desiring God’s presence
“Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains would tremble
before you!” Isaiah 64:1. Ask for a real and meaningful sense of God’s presence in worship today.
Naomi Leremore, global mission worker, Kenya
Give thanks for Naomi’s work with the Presbyterian Church of East
Africa’s Theological Education by Extension (TEE) department, marking recently 10 years of Prison Ministry with a graduation of
50 inmates at King’ong’o Prison. Pray for God’s guiding hand on this particular dimension of TEE work.
Pray for the General Secretary of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian Synod of Zambia, Rev Lazarus Chilenje, and
for all in leadership as they seek God’s guidance in discipling congregations. Pray for all those in Zambia who have been affected
by severe drought and the resultant restrictions in electricity supply and poor crops.
Word For Today
You may well have the printed copy of the Word For Today but you can also read it at the link below.
Please note that there could be some additional articles or videos after the Jigsaw.
Best Times For Yesterday’s Puzzle:
Eddie 9:33
Jean 10:40
Play the "Harbour Monday" puzzle!