We have begun a series in Paul’s letter to the Philippians - Finding Joy Right Here. Paul reminds us that we are citizens of Heaven but we still have to live right here everyday as disciples of Jesus Christ. Each day we have a short devotional video based on some verses from the letter.
Let’s Pray For Kenny Hanna (Rural Chaplain) Give thanks for livestock markets, which provide a vital social and business hub for farmers and farming families. Sometimes the only people a farmer will see are those they meet there. May Kenny and other Christian farmers and families be salt and light for Jesus in these important meeting places.
Alt (Co Donegal) Pray for Rev Colin McKibben and the home mission congregation of Alt. Pray that members will have opportunities to share the gospel with family, friends and people from the local community. |
“Reading Between The Lines” a series working through the bible looking at the well known phrases.
Does it matter where you attend church? And what does a vegetable garden have to do with the gospel? Rechab Gray joins Paul Tripp and Shelby Abbott to answer these questions and more in this month's episode of The Connecting Podcast. Rechab is a dear friend and gifted preacher, currently planting New Creation Fellowship in Orlando,
Amy DiMarcangelo
This book invites readers to feast at the table of grace, where they will find God’s vast glory and his intimate care, his strength made perfect in weakness, and his gifts of joy and comfort to his children—that they “may be filled with all the fullness of God.”
In an exclusive interview with TODAY’s Savannah Guthrie, Darren Harrison speaks out about the heroic moment he landed a plane despite not having any flight experience after the pilot fell unconscious from a medical emergency. Harrison describes his determination to survive for his wife and unborn child, and recalls thinking “I can’t die today. Today is not my day.” He discusses the prayer he prayed when he landed and the interviewer talks about his church and bible study experience.
The times for yesterday’s Jigsaw
Jean 2:51
Derek 3:07
Eddie 4:01
Play the "View From Castle Thursday" puzzle!