Today in Tides we look at the Lord’s Prayer.
The Moderator highlights that little word that the prayer begins with - “Our”.
‘This, then, is how you should pray:
‘“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
10 your kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us today our daily bread.12 And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.”
MATTHEW 6:9-12
Jesus is telling us that his Father is also our Father.
We are brothers and sisters of Jesus and adopted into the family of God.
In prayer we do not approach someone distant,
but a father who is keen to hear us.
Tides - Wednesday
Anne sent me the following message yesterday, “Having read Tides today "consider the ravens" it reminded me of an old hymn which I had forgotten about but heard yesterday. It is called "The raven He feedeth" showing us of the tender compassion and wonderful love of a Heavenly Father.” We are unable to find a recording of this hymn but you will find the sheet music at this link, and the words are below. |
1 In tender compassion and wonderful love,
The Father looks down from on high;
He knoweth the raven hath need of its food,
And heareth in mercy its cry.
The raven he feedeth, then why should I fear,
To the heart of the Father his children are dear;
So, if the way darkens or storms gather o’er,
I’ll simply look upward and trust him the more.
2 His arm is abundantly able to save,
His eye is a guide to my feet;
Since love sought and found me, I constantly dwell
With him in companionship sweet.
3 No need have I ever to trouble my breast,
Or fear what the morrow may bring;
The heart of the Father is planning my way,
And I am the child of a King.
The strangest thing I have to do each week is preach to the camera instead of a congregation. It is very easy to make a mistake and have to start over again. How the Dean of Canterbury manages to keep talking I do not know...
"Buy stock in Zoom, don't start your spring cleaning early, buy extra loo roll and hand sanitiser in January"
The BBC ran an article on their website this week asking -
“If you could go back to the start of 2020 and give yourself pre-lockdown advice, what would it be?”
So why not email me at [email protected] or leave your suggestions in the comments. Just one or two lines - nothing too complicated.
My piece of advice to myself - “Buy a phone with more memory so that I don’t have to keep deleting the videos that I record each week for Burnside At Home”
This time of year you might be caught behind a tractor towing fresh cut silage. Rev David Reid often likes to watch them from his study window, taking a break to time the intervals between loads, just to see how quickly the harvester is filling them. Sometimes rain and breakdowns can affect the cutting – just as changes can impact our own lives. In his blog he writes about the One who is in ultimate control of everying. Read the blog at the link below.
Stef Reid - The five-time world record holder, reigning world champion (London 2017 long jump), model and broadcaster shares her remarkable testimony. Read it here
Premier christianity
In this interview conversation from Sing! 2019, Keith and Kristyn Getty share the simple ways they teach their kids to sing. Children sing because God has given them a voice. What a privilege it is to spark their imagination and understanding through the songs we sing. Thank you to Eric for sharing this.
How do you balance the need to make church attractive to newcomers whilst also getting deeper into theology with long-standing Christians? In this episode of 'Irresistible Church', the hosts discuss the concept of 'Deep and Wide' in the church.
Click below for all the links to this podcast on all the popular platforms.
Adjusting to the unforced rhythms of grace: Rt Rev Dr Charles McMullen looks at the tensions of living in lockdown, explores the gap between longing and experience and searching for spiritual harmony. Read the blog here.
Mental Health Awareness Week ran between the 18th & 24th May. The Bible Society had a look at what the bible says about Mental Health.
Mental Health Awareness
Not everyone is brave enough to share their time, but most people do look to see how they compare. So even if you think your time is a bit rubbish you are encouraging others.
Derek 7:07
Yesterday the Where is it? Is as Derek MacAfee stated, “is from the tiny beach just before the steps and the main beach.”
Now that lockdown restrictions appear to be lifting slightly, why don’t we venture just a little outside Portstewart and ask Where Is It? On this lovely summer evening.
Thank you to everyone who took part in the Zoom Quiz last night. If you ran madly through your house or were content to sit and watch, we had an entertaining evening, so much so, that we would like to do it again and you are all welcome. We did have a few technical problems at the start, which were all my fault, but once that was sorted out the technology worked really well. Here is a little screen grab of the evening. (Not everyone is in the photo)
Continuing on the theme of the Ebenezer Stones of Help - this isn’t so much the art of Stone Balancing, but is a similar exercise. One family have been very productive during Lockdown.
Read about them here.