We have completed our studies on the 12 Days Of Christmas, today and tomorrow we will look at two encounters with Jesus from Luke 5. Today the man with Leprosy and tomorrow the Paralysed Man lowered through the roof.
Let’s Pray For International Meeting Point
Give thanks for the generous gifts that enabled the Meeting Point to provide food vouchers to those in need, instead of providing a Christmas dinner this year. International Meeting Point (Op Shop) The shop has been very busy recently with many families finding Christmas particularly hard. Give thanks for the daily opportunities to pray and witness with customers. Give thanks too for Frances and volunteers who work in the shop, and for all who donate items. |
Incarnation (40 minute Audio)
'Veiled in flesh the God head see, Hail the incarnate deity!’ We all know the words, but what do they mean? Paul Hammond sits down with Dr. Sharon Prentis to discuss the mystery of how Jesus was both fully God and fully Man! https://t.co/j4WGcBlPMG |
Keswick Convention
The link below will allow you to listen to or watch talks from the Keswick Convention in years past. https://keswickministries.org/talks-library/ |
Emily Owen (30 minute video)
How do you trust God when faced with life-changing hearing loss and surgery? Watch the powerful testimony of author and speaker Emily Owen about how God supported her through five brain surgeries, 2 spinal surgeries and 20 other operations to remove beneign tumours. https://ucb.lightcast.com/player/21321/239634 |
The Christmas message is that there is hope for a ruined humanity—hope of pardon, hope of peace with God, hope of glory—because at the Father’s will Jesus Christ became poor, and was born in a stable so that thirty years later He might hang on a cross.
—J.I. Packer
Heroes Of The Faith - CS Lewis
Any time spent in the company of CS Lewis is well spent. Read J.John’s thoughts on CS Lewis https://canonjjohn.com/2021/01/02/heroes-of-the-faith-c-s-lewis/ Listen to the Podcast https://player.captivate.fm/episode/847bb348-6ae7-45fc-9ea9-305cf2d0a7e6 |
The loss of the fear of God is what ushered in our modern age of anxiety, but the fear of God is the very antidote to our fretfulness.
The times for yesterday’s Jigsaw
Jean 2:15
Derek 3:20
Play the "White Rocks Thursday" puzzle!