Each day during Advent (weekends included) there will be a new devotional video here on the Church Blog, also Advent music to listen to, topics for prayer, articles to read and a Jigsaw puzzle.
There are also links below to the previous Blogs this week, so that you and catch up on any that you have missed.
Each Blog is based on a chapter from the Advent Devotional - Sing In Exultation by Jonathan Landry Cruse.
You can listen to a Playlist of all the Songs on Spotify here -
See below for today’s song on Youtube.
Read Sunday’s Blog Here
Read Monday’s Blog Here
Beside The Burn
A short devotional video (Above) to watch each day.
Or listen to via the Podcast software on your phone https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/burnside
Let’s Pray For Josh McCance, community outreach worker, Balbriggan
We give thanks to God for his faithfulness to us in meeting for five years this January! Pray for newer families who have recently started coming to church that they would be willing to invest in the life of the church family. Pray for the process of electing new elders, that God would give his wisdom and direction in this important decision.
Derryvolgie Hall
Give thanks for the semester that has taken place in Derryvolgie Hall. Pray that the students will have rest over the Christmas break after a busy season of events and studies. Pray for the staff at Derryvolgie Hall, for energy and strength as they plan a new term, particularly in planning and organising the 30th year celebrations coming up in March and May.
Word For Today
You may well have the printed copy of the Word For Today but you can also read it at the link below.
Please note that there could be some additional articles or videos after the Jigsaw.
Best Times For Yesterday’s Puzzle:
Janice 1:48
Derek 2:36
Jean 2:16
Play the "Trees Tuesday" puzzle!