Each week day this Blog contains prayer topics, articles, a short devotional video and a Jigsaw
There are also links below to the previous Blogs this week, so that you and catch up on any that you have missed.
Read Monday’s Blog Here
Beside The Burn
A short devotional video (Above) to watch each day.
Or listen to via the Podcast software on your phone https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/burnside
At the moment we are reminding ourselves of some of the things we have been learning from God’s word this year.
Let’s Pray For Dundalk, Rev Jonathan Porter, ministerPray that the congregation takes every opportunity to do good and pray without ceasing. Give thanks for the summer outreach among children and young people and pray for wisdom on how to build this work in the months ahead.
Hospital chaplain (Marie Curie Hospice), Rev Billy Hamilton Pray that Billy would know the Lord’s strength as he seeks to provide spiritual support to patients, their families and close friends. Pray for wisdom and sensitivity as he journeys with people experiencing extremely difficult and challenging circumstances.
Word For Today
You may well have the printed copy of the Word For Today but you can also read it at the link below.
Please note that there could be some additional articles or videos after the Jigsaw.
Today the puzzle is the Round Church in Cambridge
Best Times For Yesterday’s Puzzle:
Eddie 3:05
Play the "Round Church Tuesday" puzzle!