Today the Moderator asks us to look at all the things that happen in our lives and to consider that -
everything that occurred in your life today has been put in place by your Heavenly Father to finish a work in you.
Such awareness radically changes how we view each happening of every day.
Dear Lord, help me
- every single morning -
to find faith in the midst of the chaos.
Give me the desire and ability to
see you,
hear you,
talk to you,
and give thanks to you.
And as I do,
I pray that I will draw nearer and nearer to you,
and that my faith will multiply exponentially
as I understand in new, deeper ways
that you are everything
I ever hoped you would be,
and so much more.
Kelly O’Dell Stanley
One person has mentioned that one of the Saturday emails that is sent to people who attend Burnside (who I have email addresses for) went into their Junk email folder recently. To try to avoid this if you add [email protected] to your address book then the email should be recognised. Also if you haven’t received your email by Saturday lunchtime then check your Junk/Spam folder to retrieve it.
Last week should have been the Chelsea Flower Show. Garden designers, plant experts, flower arrangers, gardeners etc were very disappointed, that it had to be cancelled. I have attended the show on two occasions. It is a most rewarding experience, visiting the Grand Pavilion, getting close to the prized blooms, seeing celebrity designers and gardening experts and generally soaking in the atmosphere. It was decided this year, that there would be a virtual version of the Show on TV and on line, filmed in the presenters’ gardens. It was good to be able to see these programmes and go down memory lane to past shows. One of the presenters said, having a virtual version "is the next best thing to being there".
In lockdown, we have been experiencing "the next best thing" to worshipping in our church building. At present, each Sunday, there is a virtual church service,
also a sermon available by telephone, and a virtual prayer room. It has been marvellous to be able to access these services, "the next best thing" to meeting together in our church building. Thank you, Richard for all your work in keeping our fellowship together in this way. Many in Burnside, and the wider community have been blessed and encouraged.
The Moderator's Sunday sermon recently, mentioned the subject of loneliness, and the need to be with other people. He raised the question, could we be getting tired or restless with the VIRTUAL? We have a deep need for fellowship and "the real thing" and getting back into our church building again. But we have to wait, and be patient for that day to return, in God's time.
Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.
Psalm 27 v 14
We will meet again!
Many of you will be saddened to learn of the death, yesterday, of Martin Holley. Martin has been sharing from God’s word online as last few weeks. This is his message from Sunday, entitled, “Where Is Jesus?” and then also from a week ago, “Staying Alive”. (Thank you to Eileen for sharing)
Frances shares this incredible orchid which blooms during Pentecost each year.
Keswick - Kes Talk
The latest Kes Talk is out now! Delving into Psalm 100 with Alistair Begg. The Psalm reminds us that the Lord doesn’t dismiss our suffering but calls us to worship him because he is God & he is good. Very apt at this time. |
Yesterday’s puzzle.
Jean 3:39
I’m trying out a new feature today which should allow you to play the puzzle directly below,
or You can still click the link to play the way you always have.
(Remember you can click bottom right to make full screen.
Today’s puzzle is From the Giant’s Causeway.
5 Points to everyone who knew the Blue Plaque was located on the promenade, an extra bonus 10 points for those who said it was located beside Bradley’s Pharmacy.
Where would you find this tractor in Portstewart?
Newsline - Crimewatch
It’s not exactly Crimewatch, but can you name any of these 3 shady characters who were spotted on the BBC Bank Holiday Lunchtime & Teatime news walking along the Promenade in Portstewart. The report was about how the seaside towns of Portrush and Portstewart were so busy over the weekend.