Each week day this Blog contains prayer topics, articles, a short devotional video and a Jigsaw.
This week we are looking a few commands from the Bible which help us in our daily walk with Jesus.
There are also links below to the previous Blogs this week, so that you and catch up on any that you have missed.
Read Monday’s Blog Here
Beside The Burn
A short devotional video (Above) to watch each day.
Or listen to via the Podcast software on your phone https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/burnside
Let’s Pray For Tuesday 4 February
- Rev Norman Harrison, hospital chaplain | Give thanks for all our hospital chaplains and the valuable work they do. Pray particularly for Norman Harrison as he works among patients, relatives and staff in Belfast City Hospital and in the Royal Group
of Hospitals generally. - Toni Bassett, community outreach worker, West Belfast | Praise God for encouraging attendances at monthly services. Please pray that connections with people attending would deepen and lead people to join the Bible study. Christmas provided opportunities to visit newcomer friends which led to faith conversations, so please pray these will develop further.
Word For Today
You may well have the printed copy of the Word For Today but you can also read it at the link below.
Please note that there could be some additional articles or videos after the Jigsaw.
Best Times For Yesterday’s Puzzle:
Jean 2:49
Eddie 3:05
Derek 3:49
Play the "Balintoy Tuesday" puzzle!