Please pray for:
1. The CU main meetings which run each Wednesday night. That the speakers may have clarity in what they are saying and that God would use what is said to change people’s hearts.
2. The International café, which runs every Monday night. That many international students would feel welcomed to come, and that we would be able to share the love of God with each of them.
3. The Small groups which meet every Monday/Tuesday for a Bible study. That God would really bless the discussion, and that each small group leader would have wisdom in what to say.
4. LIFT, which is an evangelistic programme run every Tuesday night. Pray that God would provide safety as students go down to the local nightclub to offer tea/coffee/soup and share the love of God
5. Ballysally homework club, which runs each Wednesday afternoon. That relationships may be formed with the children, and that there may be opportunities to share the gospel.
6. Milburn kids club. That all the access NI forms may completed quickly and easily, so that the club can begin soon
7. Revival at Coleraine University that many students may come to know Christ as Lord. That in all things, the glory may go to God.