This week we begin the Journey of Lent, a journey of 40 days through the Wilderness with Jesus Christ towards Easter. We will discover that Wilderness is a much more positive experience than we might imagine and we pray that we will be drawn into a deeper relationship with Jesus.
Let’s Pray For Gary and Mary Reid (global mission workers, Kenya)
Pray for Gary and Mary as they continue their work remotely and record video messages for the church in Olkinyei each week. Pray for the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest and for many more Massai people to come to faith in Christ. India Pray for staff and students at Gujarat United School of Theology as they teach / study online, sometimes with internet difficulties. Pray for Rev John Faris (PCI) as he prepares some online talks for the students. |
Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday
J.John with his wife Killy John, talking about Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday and Lent on UCB. You can listen back now. |
Today Matt asks what are evangelicals trying to do?
“Reading Between The Lines” a series working through the bible looking at the well known phrases.
A message from Glen about how to live even longer than Methuselah and avoid death.
Prayer Walk
During Lockdown we are all encouraged to go for walks, Evangelical Alliance have produced this resource to help us go on Prayer Walks. |
Why It Is Good to Be Poor in Spirit?
Paul Tripp discusses why it is good to be poor for our Spiritual health. |
Confession is an important part of prayer. Here is an interesting article that encourages us to confess our sin rather than keep it hidden. |
Open Doors - World Watch List
Open Doors has released the World Watch List. The list of countries where it is most dangerous to be a Christian in 2021. The full list can be found here This week the focus is on Pakistan the fifth most dangerous country in the world to be a Christian. Read about Pakistan here |
This week we continue the 24/7 Prayer Course with Pete Greig - a course which we took part in a couple of years ago on Wednesday evenings. The videos have been re-recorded and a couple more sessions have been added since then. Here is a link to the week 2 resource guide.
Christian Unions Ireland
12th – 18th February – Pray for students at NUIG (Dóchas), that they will be able to meet together in their small groups and be an encouragement to one another. Pray that these communities will not dwindle over time, but will continue to grow and strengthen in community and worship with one another. – Pray for the CU leaders at Waterford Institute of Technology as they continue meeting on Zoom every Tuesday evening going through uncover Mark. |
Following this month’s military coup in Myanmar, Presbyterian Moderator, Rt Rev Dr David Bruce, has joined with his Scottish counterpart in urging the UK government to ‘do all that it can to ensure the restoration of democracy which fully respects the November election.’ Read more here - This Sunday, Terry is going to lead us in prayer for Myanmar. |
The General Assembly Building of the Presbyterian Church of Myanmar in the city of Tahan, Kalaymyo District, Myanmar
The times for yesterday’s Jigsaw Janice 1:37 Jean 2:29 Eric 9:04 Don’t be fooled by the different shape today!! Play the "Strand Wednesday" puzzle! |