Creche Each Sunday for Pre-Primary school children
Girls' Brigade Meeting on a Tuesday Night 6:30-7:30 pm Explorers Age 3-7 7:00-9:00 pm Company Age 8+
Jam Toast Sunday Morning Bible Class for Secondary School Age.
Sunday School Sunday Morning for Primary School Age.
Get Involved
Why not get involved?
Church is much more than a Sunday Service there are lots of events through out the week to enjoy fellowship and grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ. So come along to any of our activities and you will be made very welcome.
Safety We have a full child protection policy, complying with the Presbyterian Church In Ireland Guidelines, to ensure the safety of our young people and leaders.
Bible Study 8:00 pm Wednesday Evenings in Minor Hall
Bowling Club 7:15 pm Mondays - Everyone Welcome
Choir Practices take place for special services throughout the year.
Friendship Hour 2:00 pm 3rd Tuesday of each Month
Prayer Meeting 9:30 am Every Wednesday Monthly meetings at 8:00pm
Presbyterian Women 7:30 pm 2nd Monday of each Month