1 When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed,
When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost, Count your many blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done. Refrain: Count your blessings, name them one by one; Count your blessings, see what God hath done; Count your blessings, name them one by one; Count your many blessings, see what God hath done. 2 Are you ever burdened with a load of care? Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear? Count your many blessings, ev'ry doubt will fly, And you will be singing as the days go by. [Refrain] 3 When you look at others with their lands and gold, Think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold; Count your many blessings, money cannot buy Your reward in heaven, nor your home on high. [Refrain] 4 So, amid the conflict, whether great or small, Do not be discouraged, God is over all; Count your many blessings, angels will attend, Help and comfort give you to your journey's end. [Refrain]
CCCLI : 59593 He leadeth me: O blessed thought!
O words with heavenly comfort fraught! Whate'er I do, where'er I be, Still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me. He leadeth me, he leadeth me, By his own hand he leadeth me; His faithful follower I would be, For by his hand he leadeth me. 2.Sometimes mid scenes of deepest gloom, Sometimes where Eden's bowers bloom, By waters still, o'er troubled sea, Still 'tis his hand that leadeth me. (Refrain) 3.Lord, I would place thine hand in mine, Nor ever murmur nor repine; Content, whatever lot I see, Since 'tis thine hand that leadeth me. (Refrain) 4.And when my task on earth is done, When by thy grace the victory's won, E'en death's cold wave I will not flee, Since God through Jordan leadeth me. God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform He plants HIs footsteps in the sea And rides upon the storm Deep in unsearchable mines Of never failing skill He treasures up His bright designs And works HIs sovereign will Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take The clouds you so much dread Are big with mercy and shall break In blessings on your head Judge not the Lord by feeble sense But trust Him for His grace Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face His purposes will ripen fast Unfolding every hour The bud may have a bitter taste But sweet will be the flower Blind unbelief is sure to err And scan His work in vain God is His own interpreter And He will make it plain CCCLI : 59593 Verse 1
The Lord’s my shepherd, I’ll not want; He makes me lie in pastures green. He leads me by the still, still waters, His goodness restores my soul. Chorus And I will trust in You alone, And I will trust in You alone, For Your endless mercy follows me, Your goodness will lead me home. Verse 2 He guides my ways in righteousness, And He anoints my head with oil, And my cup, it overflows with joy, I feast on His pure delights. Chorus And I will trust in You alone, And I will trust in You alone, For Your endless mercy follows me, Your goodness will lead me home. Verse 3 And though I walk the darkest path, I will not fear the evil one, For You are with me, and Your rod and staff Are the comfort I need to know. Chorus And I will trust in You alone, And I will trust in You alone, For Your endless mercy follows me, Your goodness will lead me home. Chorus And I will trust in You alone, And I will trust in You alone, For Your endless mercy follows me, Your goodness will lead me home. CCCLI : 59593 Water You turned into wine
Opened the eyes of the blind There's no one like you None like you Into the darkness You shine Out of the ashes we rise There's No one like you None like you Our God is greater, our God is stronger God You are higher than any other Our God is Healer, awesome in power Our God, Our God Into the darkness you shining Out of the ashes we Rise No one like you None like you Our God is greater, our God is stronger God You are higher than any other Our God is Healer, awesome in power Our God, Our God Our God is greater, our God is stronger God You are higher than any other Our God is Healer, awesome in power Our God, Our God And if Our God is for us, then who could ever stop us? And if our God is with us, then what can stand against? And if Our God is for us, then who could ever stop us? And if our God is with us, then what can stand against? Then what can stand against? Our God is greater, our God is stronger God You are higher than any other Our God is Healer, awesome in power Our God, Our God Our God is greater, our God is stronger God You are higher than any other Our God is Healer, awesome in power Our God, Our God And if Our God is for us, then who could ever stop us? And if our God is with us, then what can stand against? And if Our God is for us, then who can ever stop us? And if our God is with us, then what can stand against? Then what can stand against? Then what can stand against? 1 My hope is built on nothing less
than Jesus' blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus' name. [Refrain] On Christ, the solid rock, I stand; all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand. 2 When darkness veils his lovely face, I rest on his unchanging grace; in ev'ry high and stormy gale, my anchor holds within the veil. [Refrain] 3 His oath, his covenant, his blood support me in the whelming flood; when all around my soul gives way, he then is all my hope and stay. [Refrain] 4 When he shall come with trumpet sound, O may I then in him be found, dressed in his righteousness alone, faultless to stand before the throne. [Refrain] CCCLI : 59593 1 I know not why God's wondrous grace
to me he has made known, nor why, unworthy, Christ in love redeemed me for his own. Refrain: But "I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I've committed unto him against that day." 2 I know not how this saving faith to me he did impart, nor how believing in his Word wrought peace within my heart. [Refrain] 3 I know not how the Spirit moves, convincing men of sin, revealing Jesus through the Word, creating faith in him. [Refrain] 4 I know not what of good or ill may be reserved for me, of weary ways or golden days, before his face I see. [Refrain] 5 I know not when my Lord may come, at night or noonday fair, nor if I'll walk the vale with him, or meet him in the air. [Refrain] CCCLI : 59593 Speak, O Lord
Speak, O Lord, as we come to You To receive the food of Your Holy Word. Take Your truth, plant it deep in us; Shape and fashion us in Your likeness, That the light of Christ might be seen today In our acts of love and our deeds of faith. Speak, O Lord, and fulfill in us All Your purposes for Your glory. Teach us, Lord, full obedience, Holy reverence, true humility; Test our thoughts and our attitudes In the radiance of Your purity. Cause our faith to rise; cause our eyes to see Your majestic love and authority. Words of pow'r that can never fail-- Let their truth prevail over unbelief. Speak, O Lord, and renew our minds; Help us grasp the heights of Your plans for us-- Truths unchanged from the dawn of time That will echo down through eternity. And by grace we'll stand on Your promises, And by faith we'll walk as You walk with us. Speak, O Lord, till Your church is built And the earth is filled with Your glory. CCCLI : 59593 Virtual Prayer Room
Give thanks for the positive way that the Virtual Prayer Room has been received by the congregation, pray that many would use it and would commit to prayer. https://bit.ly/2ybwnab Phone Burnside Give thanks that the telephone sermon service was accessed 32 times over the weekend. Of course some of these could have been curious people just trying it out but it seems to be worthwhile. Pray that more people would use it. Give thanks as well that I was able to work out how to get it set up. Care Homes Continue to remember all the residents in the Care Homes and the extreme pressure that is being put on staff. The death toll due to Covid19 continues to rise and more needs to be done to protect residents. PEOPLE TO PRAY FOR (In no particular order) William Adams Some of you may have noticed that a gentleman named, William Adams left a comment after the service on Sunday. Pray for William that he may be able to come to church after lockdown. Sickness There are a number of people who are ill at the moment, and others who have been bereaved, please pray Thomas Sampson We were praying for a friend of Jim and Ruth’s who is in ICU Antrim Hospital with Covid-19. Thomas has been improving slowly, he is still sedated and of course family cannot see him. Continue to pray that he responds to the treatment and pray for his family. AN ARTICLE ABOUT A NEW BOOK ON PRAYER Praying is the Most Practical Thing You Can Do Rachel Jones - Author of Five Things To Pray The irony of life in lockdown is that it’s precisely when the needs are at their greatest that we feel the least able to help. The needs nationally are obvious and overwhelming. Yet those of us who aren’t key workers, medics or politicians feel powerless to help. We’re stuck at home, cleaning and baking while Rome burns. The solutions are out of our hands. All we can do is keep washing ours. And the needs in your personal circle may feel just as overwhelming, and just as impossible to meet: exhausted parents you’re not able to watch the kids for, grieving friends you’re not allowed to hug, lonely people you can’t welcome into your home. Your heart goes out to your struggling friends, but you have to stay in. For those of us who pride ourselves on being one of life’s “do-ers”, this crisis has been a humbling experience. We’ve been sent to the bench to watch the match, when what we really want to get back on the pitch. We feel so… useless. It’s incredibly humbling. And yet in God’s economy, humble people are the most useful people to him. Because it’s humble people who are in the position to do the most practical, most powerful thing possible right now: pray. We might be confined to our houses—“but God’s word is not chained” (2 Timothy 2 v 9). We might have had our freedoms curtailed—but our Father “will do all that [he] pleases” (Isaiah 46 v 10). Our little worlds might have stopped turning—but the Son is still “sustaining all things by his powerful word” (Hebrews 1 v 3). In God’s economy, humble people are the most useful people Throughout Scripture, God promises to work in response to the prayers of his people. And it’s driven by this conviction that TGBC are publishing Five Things to Pray in a Global Crisis. Like the other books in the 5 Things to Pray series, it works through 21 different prayer themes, taking a passage of Scripture and turning that into five short prayer prompts for each person or area of concern. This little guide will help you to pray for your own heart, asking God to help you in the midst of your fear, loneliness, uncertainty and frustration. It will help you to pray for loved ones—whether they’re sick or vulnerable, under your roof or far away. It will help you to pray for those on the front line of fighting this virus: our government, healthcare system and key workers. And it will help you to pray for your church family and your community during this unique season, as we ask God to do what only he can—to work through this crisis to grow his kingdom and bring glory to the Lord Jesus. Can you imagine what God might do in your church, your community and your nation, if you spent the next three weeks earnestly asking him to be at work? And then consider that he is the one “who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work in us” (Ephesians 3 v 21)! You’re not powerless to help in the face of this pandemic. Well actually, you are. That’s part of the point. But you have the ear of the One who is not, and you’re invited to come to him in prayer. n the dark of the midnight have I oft hid my face
While the storm howls above me, and there's no hiding place 'Mid the crash of the thunder, Precious Lord, hear my cry Keep me safe till the storm passes by Till the storm passes over, till the thunder sounds no more Till the clouds roll forever from the sky Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand Keep me safe till the storm passes by Many times Satan whispered, "There is no need to try For there's no end of sorrow, there's no hope by and by" But I know Thou art with me, and tomorrow I'll rise Where the storms never darken the skies Till the storm passes over, till the thunder sounds no more Till the clouds roll forever from the sky Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand Keep me safe till the storm passes by When the long night has ended and the storms come no more Let me stand in Thy presence on the bright peaceful shore In that land where the tempest, never comes, Lord, may I Dwell with Thee when the storm passes by Till the storm passes over, till the thunder sounds no more Till the clouds roll forever from the sky Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand Keep me safe till the storm passes by Source: LyricFind Songwriters: Thomas Mosie Lister ‘Til the Storm Passes By lyrics © Music Services, Inc CCCLI : 59593 There is a song, I know it well
A melody that's never failed On mountains high, in valleys low My soul will rest, my confidence, in You alone Hope has a name, His name is Jesus My Savior's cross has set this sinner free Hope has a name, His name is Jesus Oh, Christ be praised, I have victory There is a light, salvation's flame Christ undefeated, trampled the grave See now the cross, be lifted high The light has come, the light has won, behold the Christ Hope has a name, His name is Jesus My Savior's cross has set this sinner free Hope has a name, His name is Jesus Oh, Christ be praised, I have victory Hope has a name, His name is Jesus My Savior's cross has set this sinner free Hope has a name, His name is Jesus Oh, Christ be praised, I have victory There'll be a day my hope complete Now home in glory, Your face I'll see My pain no more, my fear will cease I bow my life, I fix my eyes, on Christ my King I bow my life, I fix my eyes, on Christ my King Hope has a name, His name is Jesus My Savior's cross has set this sinner free Hope has a name, His name is Jesus Oh, Christ be praised, I have victory Hope has a name, His name is Jesus My Savior's cross has set this sinner free Hope has a name, His name is Jesus Oh, Christ be praised, I have victory Oh, Christ be praised, I have victory United Beach Missions is an organisation which provides summer outreach much like CSSM Below is the latest Prayer Letter ![]()
Phil Dunn joins us each year in Burnside to tell us about the work of European Missionary Fellowship Here are the latest Prayer Updates Latest News Letter ![]()
Latest Prayer Diary ![]()
Below are various versions of The Blessing - A powerful song based on the Aaronic Blessing, The lyrics are at the Bottom of the page. Lyrics:
The Lord bless you And keep you Make His face shine upon you And be gracious to you The Lord turn His Face toward you And give you peace Amen May His favor be upon you And a thousand generations And your family And your children And their children And their children May His presence go before you And behind you And beside you All around you And within you He is with you He is with you In the morning In the evening In your coming And your going In your weeping And rejoicing He is for you He is for you He is for you Written by Steven Furtick, Chris Brown, Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes ©2020 Music by Elevation Worship Publishing, Capitol CMG Paragon / Writers Roof Publishing, Worship Together Music / Kari Jobe Carnes Music CCLI #: 7147007 |
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