Prayer Requests
If you have any requests for prayer please share or if you would like a name added to the list below.
Those who would have attended our prayer meeting are praying for many more people but these are the people that we can share in public.
William Adams
I have had conversations on the phone and email exchanges with William pray for him and his wife Pearl.
Thomas Sampson
We are praying for a friend of Jim and Ruth’s who is in ICU Antrim Hospital with Covid-19. Thomas has been improving slowly, continue to pray that he responds to the treatment and pray for his family.
Terry & Joyce McMullan
Terry is going to do a little video spot for the next couple of Burnside At Home, focusing on the Global Mission Workers from PCI. Pray for Terry & Joyce as they put this together and record it.
Janos & Anna
Anna had been living in Hungry with the two children when Covid19 started, but she Is now back in Belfast. Please pray for them as a family. Anna is looking after the children and Janos is working as a career in the City Hospital.
Smith Family Ballycastle
Several people have been in contact requesting prayer for the Smith family in Ballycastle.
(Not all details are provided here to respect family privacy and to check accuracy but here are the details that are in the public domain) Please Pray.
An accident took yesterday (Tuesday) near Ballycastle involving a Tractor and a quad bike. Two members of the Smith family were killed, the mother and one daughter. Another daughter was rushed to RVH for surgery, she is now in recovery and stable after 7 hours surgery. The surgical team and ICU are positive and astounded at her resilience. Please pray for the little girl and the family.
A request for prayer also came from GB where mother was an officer in Bushmills company and the daughter an explorer. Also pray for the tractor driver who is thought to be a neighbour.
This information is to be used for private prayer not for News reporting.
Social Media
I have been learning a lot this week about how Twitter and Facebook work and trying to spread the word. As a result each day we have had more people follow the church (On Facebook & Twitter), I don’t always know who these people are but they are now receiving our daily updates and the Sunday Services, so pray that they may trust Jesus.
Phone Burnside
Has been a real surprise, with many people in Burnside using the service and some people from outside the church as well. I try to keep the call length short but this week I included a prayer and bible reading as well as a slightly shorter version of the sermon. Pray that the word will spread and people will listen.
Sunday School
Give thanks that we now have a Sunday School video from Campaigners NI as part of Burnside At Home. Pray that families with young children would find the service and then want to attend church when Lockdown is over. This is a golden opportunity for us to reach out and fill the gap of young families in our fellowship.
If you have any requests for prayer please share or if you would like a name added to the list below.
Those who would have attended our prayer meeting are praying for many more people but these are the people that we can share in public.
William Adams
I have had conversations on the phone and email exchanges with William pray for him and his wife Pearl.
Thomas Sampson
We are praying for a friend of Jim and Ruth’s who is in ICU Antrim Hospital with Covid-19. Thomas has been improving slowly, continue to pray that he responds to the treatment and pray for his family.
Terry & Joyce McMullan
Terry is going to do a little video spot for the next couple of Burnside At Home, focusing on the Global Mission Workers from PCI. Pray for Terry & Joyce as they put this together and record it.
Janos & Anna
Anna had been living in Hungry with the two children when Covid19 started, but she Is now back in Belfast. Please pray for them as a family. Anna is looking after the children and Janos is working as a career in the City Hospital.
Smith Family Ballycastle
Several people have been in contact requesting prayer for the Smith family in Ballycastle.
(Not all details are provided here to respect family privacy and to check accuracy but here are the details that are in the public domain) Please Pray.
An accident took yesterday (Tuesday) near Ballycastle involving a Tractor and a quad bike. Two members of the Smith family were killed, the mother and one daughter. Another daughter was rushed to RVH for surgery, she is now in recovery and stable after 7 hours surgery. The surgical team and ICU are positive and astounded at her resilience. Please pray for the little girl and the family.
A request for prayer also came from GB where mother was an officer in Bushmills company and the daughter an explorer. Also pray for the tractor driver who is thought to be a neighbour.
This information is to be used for private prayer not for News reporting.
Social Media
I have been learning a lot this week about how Twitter and Facebook work and trying to spread the word. As a result each day we have had more people follow the church (On Facebook & Twitter), I don’t always know who these people are but they are now receiving our daily updates and the Sunday Services, so pray that they may trust Jesus.
Phone Burnside
Has been a real surprise, with many people in Burnside using the service and some people from outside the church as well. I try to keep the call length short but this week I included a prayer and bible reading as well as a slightly shorter version of the sermon. Pray that the word will spread and people will listen.
Sunday School
Give thanks that we now have a Sunday School video from Campaigners NI as part of Burnside At Home. Pray that families with young children would find the service and then want to attend church when Lockdown is over. This is a golden opportunity for us to reach out and fill the gap of young families in our fellowship.