Several people have been in contact requesting prayer for the Smith family in Ballycastle.
(Not all details are provided here to respect family privacy and to check accuracy But here are the details that are in the public domain)
An accident took yesterday (Tuesday) near Ballycastle involving a Tractor and a quad bike. Two members of the Smith family were killed, the mother and one daughter. Another daughter was rushed to RVH for surgery, she is now in recovery and stable after 7 hours surgery. The surgical team and ICU are positive and astounded at her resilience. Please pray for the little girl and the family.
A request for prayer also came from GB where mother was an officer in Bushmills company and the daughter an explorer.
This information is to be used for private prayer not for News reporting.
(Not all details are provided here to respect family privacy and to check accuracy But here are the details that are in the public domain)
An accident took yesterday (Tuesday) near Ballycastle involving a Tractor and a quad bike. Two members of the Smith family were killed, the mother and one daughter. Another daughter was rushed to RVH for surgery, she is now in recovery and stable after 7 hours surgery. The surgical team and ICU are positive and astounded at her resilience. Please pray for the little girl and the family.
A request for prayer also came from GB where mother was an officer in Bushmills company and the daughter an explorer.
This information is to be used for private prayer not for News reporting.