Dear Friends of Burnside,
This Sunday we welcome the girls and their families from our GB Company for the annual Girls’ Brigade Enrolment Service. Do come along to encourage everyone. The loose offering on Sunday will go towards GB Funds.
Weekly Newsletter
This Newsletter is also available on the church website each week.
Shoebox Appeal
Shoeboxes are available in the vestibule. Each box contains a leaflet with instructions, please return with £5 to cover transport costs by Sunday 29th October 2023.
Stained Glass Window Refurbishment
The refurbishment of the two circular stained glass windows is almost complete, there are five panels that require further work and will be fitted in the near future.
Students’ Bursary Fund
Thank you to everyone who contributed towards the £675 raised for the Students’ Bursary Fund at the recent ordination of elders.
We will be meeting around the Lord’s Table on Sunday 19th November 2023. Please note that there will be a Communion Preparation Service on Wednesday 15th November and a Communion Thanksgiving service on Sunday 19th November both at 7pm If anyone would like to join the church by transfer or by professing faith please let me know.
Girls’ Brigade
GB continues this Tuesday.
Explorers (3-7 year olds) 6pm-7pm
Company section (8 - 18year olds) 7pm- 8.15pm
Bowling Club
7:15pm Monday with no Thursday evening meeting in the hall this week. New members will be very welcome.
Prayer Meeting
9:30am Wednesday, come and join us for this vital part of church work.
Community Cafe - Drop-In
The Drop-In continues on Thursday 10:30am - 12noon. Do invite others to come and join us. Free tea/Coffee scones and biscuits.
Committee Meeting
7:00pm Monday 6th November 2023
PCI Calendar
The PCI Calendar is available for order (See Richard) Featuring verses of Scripture and scenes from around the church Cost is £5
The Burnside Blog
The Blog continues every weekday, there will be a short devotional Podcast/Video some topics for prayer, articles to read, music to listen to and Jigsaws to puzzle you.
The daily devotional is also available as a Podcast and you can subscribe for free using your podcast software on your phone or tablet.
Church Finances
After our recent Committee meeting we realise that everyone has extra demands upon their finances, but it also means that Church expenses have increased significantly over the last year. We have taken a number of measures to reduce our expenditure but giving has also decreased over the last year. We have four months before the year end to address this and would ask you to prayerfully consider your response. The offering each week is received before and after the service via the plates in the vestibule or by transfer into the main Church Account no. 71013858 Sort Code 95-04-28
After 10 years serving as church treasurer, Francis Kerr has decided it is time to hand over the responsibilities. We thank Francis for his dedication in this job, if you think you could help the church as treasurer then speak to Francis, Jeremy or Richard for more details.
Hope & Glory Choir
From the kingdom of Eswatini, an incredible ladies choir sharing their stories of hope through singing, dancing and testimonies. 7:30pm Friday 27th October 2023 in Ballywillan Presbyterian Church.
Relationships and Sexuality Education
Many of you will have heard of the proposed changes to the Relationships and Sexuality Education curriculum in post-primary schools in Northern Ireland. With this in mind the Evangelical Alliance are holding a number of events to provide information, our local venue will be Portstewart Baptist Church at 6:30pm on Sunday 22nd October 2023.
Livestream Of Service
If you aren’t able to join with us on Sunday you can watch the Livestream at anytime throughout the week.
I pray that you may know the Lord’s blessing this week.
This Sunday we welcome the girls and their families from our GB Company for the annual Girls’ Brigade Enrolment Service. Do come along to encourage everyone. The loose offering on Sunday will go towards GB Funds.
Weekly Newsletter
This Newsletter is also available on the church website each week.
Shoebox Appeal
Shoeboxes are available in the vestibule. Each box contains a leaflet with instructions, please return with £5 to cover transport costs by Sunday 29th October 2023.
Stained Glass Window Refurbishment
The refurbishment of the two circular stained glass windows is almost complete, there are five panels that require further work and will be fitted in the near future.
Students’ Bursary Fund
Thank you to everyone who contributed towards the £675 raised for the Students’ Bursary Fund at the recent ordination of elders.
We will be meeting around the Lord’s Table on Sunday 19th November 2023. Please note that there will be a Communion Preparation Service on Wednesday 15th November and a Communion Thanksgiving service on Sunday 19th November both at 7pm If anyone would like to join the church by transfer or by professing faith please let me know.
Girls’ Brigade
GB continues this Tuesday.
Explorers (3-7 year olds) 6pm-7pm
Company section (8 - 18year olds) 7pm- 8.15pm
Bowling Club
7:15pm Monday with no Thursday evening meeting in the hall this week. New members will be very welcome.
Prayer Meeting
9:30am Wednesday, come and join us for this vital part of church work.
Community Cafe - Drop-In
The Drop-In continues on Thursday 10:30am - 12noon. Do invite others to come and join us. Free tea/Coffee scones and biscuits.
Committee Meeting
7:00pm Monday 6th November 2023
PCI Calendar
The PCI Calendar is available for order (See Richard) Featuring verses of Scripture and scenes from around the church Cost is £5
The Burnside Blog
The Blog continues every weekday, there will be a short devotional Podcast/Video some topics for prayer, articles to read, music to listen to and Jigsaws to puzzle you.
The daily devotional is also available as a Podcast and you can subscribe for free using your podcast software on your phone or tablet.
Church Finances
After our recent Committee meeting we realise that everyone has extra demands upon their finances, but it also means that Church expenses have increased significantly over the last year. We have taken a number of measures to reduce our expenditure but giving has also decreased over the last year. We have four months before the year end to address this and would ask you to prayerfully consider your response. The offering each week is received before and after the service via the plates in the vestibule or by transfer into the main Church Account no. 71013858 Sort Code 95-04-28
After 10 years serving as church treasurer, Francis Kerr has decided it is time to hand over the responsibilities. We thank Francis for his dedication in this job, if you think you could help the church as treasurer then speak to Francis, Jeremy or Richard for more details.
Hope & Glory Choir
From the kingdom of Eswatini, an incredible ladies choir sharing their stories of hope through singing, dancing and testimonies. 7:30pm Friday 27th October 2023 in Ballywillan Presbyterian Church.
Relationships and Sexuality Education
Many of you will have heard of the proposed changes to the Relationships and Sexuality Education curriculum in post-primary schools in Northern Ireland. With this in mind the Evangelical Alliance are holding a number of events to provide information, our local venue will be Portstewart Baptist Church at 6:30pm on Sunday 22nd October 2023.
Livestream Of Service
If you aren’t able to join with us on Sunday you can watch the Livestream at anytime throughout the week.
I pray that you may know the Lord’s blessing this week.