Dear Friends of Burnside,
This week we continue our search for “A New Hope For The New Year” as we turn to sing a song of praise from Isaiah 12. We will discover three words that will fill our hearts with Hope as we embark on the year ahead.
Weekly Newsletter
Email providers, in an attempt to combat spam, will be making it much more difficult to send emails like this one from February of this year. It is very likely from February that this email will end up in your Spam folder.
There are a few things you can do to stop this happening.
Add the following email address to your contacts [email protected]
Look in your Spam/Junk folder and mark the Burnside emails as Not Spam.
If you cannot find your email remember that this Newsletter is also available on the church website each week.
Christian Unions Ireland
The North West Prayer Supporters Group will meet on Sunday evening (7th January 2024) at 8:15pm in the Minor Hall. Come along to hear about and pray for the Students Christian Unions in the North West. Everyone Welcome.
2:00pm Monday 8th January 2024 with Phil Dunn from EMF speaking about Mission in Ukraine. All ladies very welcome.
Committee Meeting
7:00pm Monday 8th January 2024
Bowling Club
7:15pm Monday & Thursday. New members will be very welcome.
Girls’ Brigade
GB continues this Tuesday.
Explorers (3-7 year olds) 6pm-7pm
Company section (8 - 18year olds) 7pm- 8.15pm
Prayer Meeting
9:30am Wednesday in Minor Hall
Community Cafe - Drop-In
The Drop-In continues on Thursday 10:30am - 12noon. Do invite others to come and join us. Free tea/Coffee scones, biscuits and a chat.
Friendship Hour
2:00pm Tuesday 16th January 2024 with Andy Williamson from Belfast City MissionThe - Ballysillan. Everyone is very welcome.
FWO Envelopes are now available in the vestibule for 2024.
If you have already set up a standing order there will be a small envelope marked with your name to pick up.
If you require a set of envelopes or wish to set up a standing order please speak to Jeremy for more details.
Wider World
The latest edition will be available on Sunday in the Vestibule. Subscriptions are now due for 2024. £7 for 4 issues. Money can be given to Joyce McMullan or placed in a marked envelope on the offering plate.
The latest edition is available in the vestibule. Subscriptions are now due for the new year 10 issues for £20. Envelopes are available on the vestibule table and can be returned on the offering plate or given to Ernie Rocks.
The Burnside Blog
The Blog continues every weekday on the Church Website, there will be a short devotional Podcast/Video some topics for prayer, articles to read, music to listen to and Jigsaws to puzzle you.
The daily devotional is also available as a Podcast and you can subscribe for free using your podcast software on your phone or tablet.
Livestream Of Services
If you aren’t able to join with us on Sunday you can watch the Livestream at anytime throughout the week.
I pray that you may know the Lord’s blessing this Christmas.
This week we continue our search for “A New Hope For The New Year” as we turn to sing a song of praise from Isaiah 12. We will discover three words that will fill our hearts with Hope as we embark on the year ahead.
Weekly Newsletter
Email providers, in an attempt to combat spam, will be making it much more difficult to send emails like this one from February of this year. It is very likely from February that this email will end up in your Spam folder.
There are a few things you can do to stop this happening.
Add the following email address to your contacts [email protected]
Look in your Spam/Junk folder and mark the Burnside emails as Not Spam.
If you cannot find your email remember that this Newsletter is also available on the church website each week.
Christian Unions Ireland
The North West Prayer Supporters Group will meet on Sunday evening (7th January 2024) at 8:15pm in the Minor Hall. Come along to hear about and pray for the Students Christian Unions in the North West. Everyone Welcome.
2:00pm Monday 8th January 2024 with Phil Dunn from EMF speaking about Mission in Ukraine. All ladies very welcome.
Committee Meeting
7:00pm Monday 8th January 2024
Bowling Club
7:15pm Monday & Thursday. New members will be very welcome.
Girls’ Brigade
GB continues this Tuesday.
Explorers (3-7 year olds) 6pm-7pm
Company section (8 - 18year olds) 7pm- 8.15pm
Prayer Meeting
9:30am Wednesday in Minor Hall
Community Cafe - Drop-In
The Drop-In continues on Thursday 10:30am - 12noon. Do invite others to come and join us. Free tea/Coffee scones, biscuits and a chat.
Friendship Hour
2:00pm Tuesday 16th January 2024 with Andy Williamson from Belfast City MissionThe - Ballysillan. Everyone is very welcome.
FWO Envelopes are now available in the vestibule for 2024.
If you have already set up a standing order there will be a small envelope marked with your name to pick up.
If you require a set of envelopes or wish to set up a standing order please speak to Jeremy for more details.
Wider World
The latest edition will be available on Sunday in the Vestibule. Subscriptions are now due for 2024. £7 for 4 issues. Money can be given to Joyce McMullan or placed in a marked envelope on the offering plate.
The latest edition is available in the vestibule. Subscriptions are now due for the new year 10 issues for £20. Envelopes are available on the vestibule table and can be returned on the offering plate or given to Ernie Rocks.
The Burnside Blog
The Blog continues every weekday on the Church Website, there will be a short devotional Podcast/Video some topics for prayer, articles to read, music to listen to and Jigsaws to puzzle you.
The daily devotional is also available as a Podcast and you can subscribe for free using your podcast software on your phone or tablet.
Livestream Of Services
If you aren’t able to join with us on Sunday you can watch the Livestream at anytime throughout the week.
I pray that you may know the Lord’s blessing this Christmas.