Dear Friends of Burnside,
This week is Harvest Thanksgiving. Join us at 11:00am & 7:00pm as we give thanks for God’s provision for us this year. The praise at both services will be led by the choir. Join us after the evening service for supper in the hall.
There will be an opportunity to bring non-perishable food items which will be donated to the food bank at Ashes to Gold in Coleraine. There will also be an opportunity to give towards the United Appeal of the Presbyterian Church.
Weekly Newsletter
This Newsletter is also available on the church website each week.
All ladies are invited to PW 2:00pm This Monday 9th October with Deborah Ford from Tearfund
Girls’ Brigade Enrolment
11:00am Sunday 22nd October 2023
We will be meeting around the Lord’s Table on Sunday 19th November 2023
Girls’ Brigade
GB continues this Tuesday.
Explorers (3-7 year olds) 6pm-7pm
Company section (8 - 18year olds) 7pm- 8.15pm
Bowling Club
7:15pm Monday & Thursday Evening. New members will be very welcome.
Prayer Meeting
9:30am Wednesday, come and join us for this vital part of church work.
Community Cafe - Drop-In
The Drop-In continues on Thursday 10:30am - 12noon. Do invite others to come and join us. Free tea/Coffee scones and biscuits.
Friendship Hour
Colin Jenkins from Seamen’s Christian Friend Society makes a return to the first Friendship Hour of the season to give an update on his work in Cork. 2:00pm Tuesday 17th October 2023. Everyone very welcome.
PCI Calendar
The PCI Calendar is available for order (See Richard) Featuring verses of Scripture and scenes from around the church Cost is £5
The Burnside Blog
The Blog continues every weekday, there will be a short devotional Podcast/Video some topics for prayer, articles to read, music to listen to and Jigsaws to puzzle you.
The daily devotional is also available as a Podcast and you can subscribe for free using your podcast software on your phone or tablet.
Scripture Union E3 North Coast
20th ANNIVERSARY SERVICE - This year SU will be celebrating 20 years of the E3 Project in the North Coast. To kickoff celebrations there will be a service 6:30pm Sunday 15th October in New Row Presbyterian Church. Pray this would be a joyful evening as we thank God for all He has done.
Forever Mine
The love story behind the world's best loved hymn comes to Coleraine First Presbyterian Church. 2023 marks the 250th anniversary of “Amazing Grace” – the world’s best-loved hymn – and a stage play of the life of man who wrote the lyrics, John Newton, is coming to Coleraine.
‘Forever Mine’ will be performed in First Presbyterian Coleraine on October 14 at 7.30pm.
Climate Change Survey
The Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI) is conducting a survey to hear from a range of people within PCI regarding climate change. This will help to provide a better understanding of thinking, perceptions and positions within the denomination. This research by the Council for Global Mission, along with other data collection, will help shape how PCI can best engage with the issue of climate change and creation care. The survey is anonymous and should only be completed by members of PCI congregations.
The survey takes around 5 minutes to complete and will be available to complete from 20 September – 31 October. It can be found on the PCI website by visiting:
Church Finances
After our recent Committee meeting we realise that everyone has extra demands upon their finances, but it also means that Church expenses have increased significantly over the last year. We have taken a number of measures to reduce our expenditure but giving has also decreased over the last year. We have four months before the year end to address this and would ask you to prayerfully consider your response. The offering each week is received before and after the service via the plates in the vestibule or by transfer into the main Church Account no. 71013858 Sort Code 95-04-28
Stained Glass Window Refurbishment
The two large circular stained glass windows have been removed for refurbishment. The Triple glazing panels have broken down and need to be replaced. Any donations towards this work can be directed to the Building Fund. Acc No. 41014986 Sort Code 95-04-28
After 10 years serving as church treasurer, Francis Kerr has decided it is time to hand over the responsibilities. We thank Francis for his dedication in this job, if you think you could help the church as treasurer then speak to Francis, Jeremy or Richard for more details.
Relationships and Sexuality Education
Many of you will have heard of the proposed changes to the Relationships and Sexuality Education curriculum in post-primary schools in Northern Ireland. With this in mind the Evangelical Alliance are holding a number of events to provide information, our local venue will be Portstewart Baptist Church at 6:30pm on Sunday 22nd October 2023.
Relationships and Sexuality Education
Another meeting this time organised by the Christian Institute. Monday 16th October 8pm-9pm Tullyglass House Hotel, 178 Galgorm Road, Ballymena.
Livestream Of Service
If you aren’t able to join with us on Sunday you can watch the Livestream at anytime throughout the week.
I pray that you may know the Lord’s blessing this week.
This week is Harvest Thanksgiving. Join us at 11:00am & 7:00pm as we give thanks for God’s provision for us this year. The praise at both services will be led by the choir. Join us after the evening service for supper in the hall.
There will be an opportunity to bring non-perishable food items which will be donated to the food bank at Ashes to Gold in Coleraine. There will also be an opportunity to give towards the United Appeal of the Presbyterian Church.
Weekly Newsletter
This Newsletter is also available on the church website each week.
All ladies are invited to PW 2:00pm This Monday 9th October with Deborah Ford from Tearfund
Girls’ Brigade Enrolment
11:00am Sunday 22nd October 2023
We will be meeting around the Lord’s Table on Sunday 19th November 2023
Girls’ Brigade
GB continues this Tuesday.
Explorers (3-7 year olds) 6pm-7pm
Company section (8 - 18year olds) 7pm- 8.15pm
Bowling Club
7:15pm Monday & Thursday Evening. New members will be very welcome.
Prayer Meeting
9:30am Wednesday, come and join us for this vital part of church work.
Community Cafe - Drop-In
The Drop-In continues on Thursday 10:30am - 12noon. Do invite others to come and join us. Free tea/Coffee scones and biscuits.
Friendship Hour
Colin Jenkins from Seamen’s Christian Friend Society makes a return to the first Friendship Hour of the season to give an update on his work in Cork. 2:00pm Tuesday 17th October 2023. Everyone very welcome.
PCI Calendar
The PCI Calendar is available for order (See Richard) Featuring verses of Scripture and scenes from around the church Cost is £5
The Burnside Blog
The Blog continues every weekday, there will be a short devotional Podcast/Video some topics for prayer, articles to read, music to listen to and Jigsaws to puzzle you.
The daily devotional is also available as a Podcast and you can subscribe for free using your podcast software on your phone or tablet.
Scripture Union E3 North Coast
20th ANNIVERSARY SERVICE - This year SU will be celebrating 20 years of the E3 Project in the North Coast. To kickoff celebrations there will be a service 6:30pm Sunday 15th October in New Row Presbyterian Church. Pray this would be a joyful evening as we thank God for all He has done.
Forever Mine
The love story behind the world's best loved hymn comes to Coleraine First Presbyterian Church. 2023 marks the 250th anniversary of “Amazing Grace” – the world’s best-loved hymn – and a stage play of the life of man who wrote the lyrics, John Newton, is coming to Coleraine.
‘Forever Mine’ will be performed in First Presbyterian Coleraine on October 14 at 7.30pm.
Climate Change Survey
The Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI) is conducting a survey to hear from a range of people within PCI regarding climate change. This will help to provide a better understanding of thinking, perceptions and positions within the denomination. This research by the Council for Global Mission, along with other data collection, will help shape how PCI can best engage with the issue of climate change and creation care. The survey is anonymous and should only be completed by members of PCI congregations.
The survey takes around 5 minutes to complete and will be available to complete from 20 September – 31 October. It can be found on the PCI website by visiting:
Church Finances
After our recent Committee meeting we realise that everyone has extra demands upon their finances, but it also means that Church expenses have increased significantly over the last year. We have taken a number of measures to reduce our expenditure but giving has also decreased over the last year. We have four months before the year end to address this and would ask you to prayerfully consider your response. The offering each week is received before and after the service via the plates in the vestibule or by transfer into the main Church Account no. 71013858 Sort Code 95-04-28
Stained Glass Window Refurbishment
The two large circular stained glass windows have been removed for refurbishment. The Triple glazing panels have broken down and need to be replaced. Any donations towards this work can be directed to the Building Fund. Acc No. 41014986 Sort Code 95-04-28
After 10 years serving as church treasurer, Francis Kerr has decided it is time to hand over the responsibilities. We thank Francis for his dedication in this job, if you think you could help the church as treasurer then speak to Francis, Jeremy or Richard for more details.
Relationships and Sexuality Education
Many of you will have heard of the proposed changes to the Relationships and Sexuality Education curriculum in post-primary schools in Northern Ireland. With this in mind the Evangelical Alliance are holding a number of events to provide information, our local venue will be Portstewart Baptist Church at 6:30pm on Sunday 22nd October 2023.
Relationships and Sexuality Education
Another meeting this time organised by the Christian Institute. Monday 16th October 8pm-9pm Tullyglass House Hotel, 178 Galgorm Road, Ballymena.
Livestream Of Service
If you aren’t able to join with us on Sunday you can watch the Livestream at anytime throughout the week.
I pray that you may know the Lord’s blessing this week.