Welcome To Burnside At Home This week we consider our approach to God - Elevation or Excavation. Climbing up the mountain heights to meet God or heads buried in the earth ignoring God. REOPENING Government restrictions mean that all services in Burnside this week and next week will be online. |
This is the content of the weekly Bulletin sent by email.
If you do not receive this email every Saturday then send an email to [email protected] and I will add your address to the list.
Week Beginning Sunday 29th November 2020
The Meeting House will be closed for two Sundays but the Church is very much open and active.
See below for some of the exciting things that are happening during Advent.
Burnside At Home
This week we begin Advent - The season when we await the coming of our Saviour.
This week is Elevation or Excavation - do we want to be lifted into the presence of God or are we content to remain on earth excavating in the dirt and missing what God has in store for us?
Join us Online to worship with Burnside At Home.
Phone Line 028 9344 7199 (Local rate number)
Advent Calendar Devotional
Do you have an Advent Calendar to open every day of December? This year we have an Advent Calendar Devotional on the Blog. Each day there is a short Video pointing us to Jesus. Open up the book of Hebrews and discover that this year although “Christmas is Different - Jesus Is Better”.
By Christmas Day we will have read through the book of Hebrews, but more importantly we will have marvelled at our glorious Saviour.
Beside The Burn (Live)
With Lockdown Restrictions back this week why not join us using ZOOM on Wednesday, 12 noon for Prayer & Chat.
Join and take part or just listen to everyone else.
Request the link to join us by email - [email protected]
Drive-In Cinema
On Tuesday 22nd December (5:30pm) we are hosting a Drive-In Cinema in the Church Car-park, showing “The Star” on a 28ft screen. The film is an animated movie with lots of songs, laughter and big name actors, aimed at primary school children and their families.(Although anyone can enjoy the story) It is a re-telling of the Nativity Story (with a little artistic license) which highlights the power of redemption and finding fulfilment in serving God not ourselves. Please pray that this outreach will impact many families in the area.
Pre-booking for this free event will be essential, it will be online only and we hope to go live this incoming week. Once details are finalised I will email them to you but please book quickly to avoid disappointment. This is being organised in partnership with the Portstewart Community Association and is for the whole local community.
Carol Service
This year our Carol Service will be Online only due to all the Covid restrictions and will be available on the evening of Sunday 20th December 2020. A number of people will be taking part and Eileen and I have already recorded some music before the current restrictions came into force.
Christmas Morning
This year our Christmas morning service will also be Online only. It will be available from the evening of Christmas Eve and you can watch at a time that suits you best.
All of the church events are mentioned on Facebook and Twitter. If you are on social media then please follow/like the church pages and a very simple form of outreach is simply to Like/Share/Retweet the posts. That means that your friends get to see what we are doing as a church. It is surprising how many people will click on a link if it is shared, especially during the Christmas period.
Listen to the service by phone and on Wednesday the complete Bible Study from the this week will be available to listen to. Telephone 028 9344 7199 More Details Here |
Remember each morning there is a short bible study video on the Blog which you can find on the Church Website www.BurnsidePCI.co.uk by clicking “Latest Blog” on the Home Screen |
This week from Campaigners
Click the video below to watch the complete service.
The hymn - Jesus Lead Me Higher Up the Mountain is mentioned at the end of the sermon but not included in the complete service due to various copyright issues.
You can listen to it by clicking this link after you have watched the service -
Click on the videos below to view individual parts of the service.
Jonah 2:1-10, Moderator’s Appeal, Psalm 40:1-3
Jesus Lead Me Up The Mountain
This is the closest video I can find to the song I mentioned at the end of the sermon.

20201129_elevation_complete_mp3.mp3 |