Welcome To Burnside At Home This week is Harvest Thanksgiving but we ask, “What Have We Got To Be Thankful For?”. This pre-recorded service will have very similar content to the LIVE service on Sunday. REOPENING We plan to open our church building, once again for worship this Sunday (11:00am 11th October 2020) DV. |
Phone Burnside
Phone Burnside continues, where you can listen to the sermon by telephone even if you have no internet access. On Wednesday the complete Bible Study from the previous week will be available to listen to. Telephone 028 9344 7199 More Details Here |
Remember each morning there is a short bible study video on the Blog which you can find on the Church Website www.BurnsidePCI.co.uk by clicking “Latest Blog” on the Home Screen |
Today we are launching our shoebox appeal. We recognise that this may be difficult for many people this year, so it it helps they can be filled online. Simply click the link below and follow the instructions. https://shoeboxonline.samaritans-purse.org.uk/ Boxes cost £20 which includes the normal £5 transport cost. Boxes can also be collected at church. |
On Sunday there is an opportunity to bring non-perishable food for the Food Bank organised by Ashes To Gold in Coleraine. You can find out more about Ashes To Gold HERE.
‘Thoughts on Tuesdays’ During Lockdown - Wilma Devenney. Many of you will have read Wilma’s contributions to the Blog each Tuesday during Lockdown. The Blog articles have now been curated into a booklet and it is being circulated in support of Zomba Action Project, Malawi in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic there. Suggested donation is £5. If you would like a copy or would be willing to distribute some, contact WIlma on - 028 7083 4864 or 07890323749 |
This week Song Time with Steve and Granda.
Click the video below to watch the complete service.
Click on the videos below to view and read individual parts of the service.
Today Eileen was back with us and played before the service as we enjoyed some photographs of Harvest decorations from last year.
Matthew 6:25-33 - Daphne McCarthy
Joel 2:21-27

harvest_complete.mp3 |