Welcome To Burnside At Home And thank you to everyone who is involved in our time of worship today. Church buildings are now permitted to open for Church Services, but the overwhelming view at the moment (from our congregation) is that it is too soon to start meeting together. Therefore we are going to proceed cautiously and safely, and take our time before resuming Sunday services in our church Building. With this in mind please be patient as we make plans over the holiday period to reopen. During the summer Burnside At Home will continue. |
Phone Burnside
Phone Burnside continues, where you can listen to the sermon by telephone even if you have no internet access. An exciting addition this week to Phone Burnside is that on Wednesday the complete Bible Study from the previous week will be available to listen to. Telephone 028 9344 7199 More Details Here |
This week I am delighted that we have Sunday School once again.
There will still be a Children's Message as part of the service but we also have this 20 minute Sunday School from Campaigners Northern Ireland. You can either allow children to watch on a 2nd screen while you listen to the sermon, but better by far is to watch together and learn the songs and talk about the story.
Even if you are not of Sunday School age, I know of several adults who have enjoyed going back to Sunday School as last few weeks. Thanks to Laura at Campaigners for providing this.
Click on the Video below to view the complete service. Scroll down if you would like to read the text and view the individual sections.
Click on the videos below to view and read individual parts of the service.
Welcome to Burnside At Home,
Every time I say that there is a hint of sadness,
I’m talking to a mobile phone and about to go into an empty church building.
But also a sense of wonder,
That all of you who are at home are able to join us in worshiping God
It amazes me that we are able to function as a church
That we are able to worship God
It looks as though we are going to be doing this for a while over the summer
So I want us to explore our worship
How can we enhance our worship?
I feel a real sense of connection as we do worship.
Even though at different times
Joined by Spirit and Truth.
The Spirit is not confined by Space and Time
The way that we are
So if we are worshipping in the Spirit
Then we are together.
Jesus put it this way in
John 4:24
“God is Spirit, and those who worship Him
must worship in spirit and truth.”
So Let Us Worship
Let Us Pray
Lord fill us with your Holy Spirit
Join us in worship
Unite us together
Enhance our worship
We are going to end by singing Psalm 100
But I want us to read it at the start of the service
All people that on earth do dwell,
Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice.
Him serve with fear, His praise forth tell;
Come ye before Him and rejoice.
Know that the Lord is God indeed,
without our aid he did us make:
we are his flock, he doth us feed,
and for his sheep he doth us take.
O enter then His gates with praise;
Approach with joy His courts unto;
Praise, laud, and bless His name always,
For it is seemly so to do.
Because the Lord our God is good;
His mercy is for ever sure;
His truth at all times firmly stood,
And shall from age to age endure.
Sometimes in these services
I have chosen hymns and songs that we don’t always know.
They may be songs that we haven’t been able to sing in Burnside
So the opportunity now is to widen our horizons
And learn new songs that help us approach God
Here is an older piece that invites us to Come and worship
Come Now Is The Time To Worship
Eileen will play a medley of What A Friend We Have In Jesus & Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
Bible Readings from Heather and Amy Devine.
Lord’s Prayer by Julie Craig
Are we worshipping God -- or just going through the motions?
"These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men." Mark 7:6b-7 (NIV)
Focus My Eyes On You O Lord
John 4:19-26 Heather Devine
Eileen will play a medley of What A Friend We Have In Jesus & Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
Lynne McGowan
Psalm 100 Amy Devine
Lament & Pray
10000 Reasons
The Higher Ground Of Worship
There is no Benediction!
The Benediction is the Psalm.
Normally we go straight from worship to the Gettys
I hope you may need to pause today
Used to be Presbyterians would leave the meeting house in silence
Because they had met with God
And they had to think deeply on what had happened during the service
Very seldom does that happen.
Listen to this Psalm
And then pause the service.
Wait on God
Then go and enjoy the Gettys
Psalm 100 All People That On Earth Do Dwell
The Getty Family Hymn Sing with special guests.
Audio file of the Service

20200712_the_higher_ground_of_worship.mp3 |