Welcome To Burnside At Home This week should have been the Girls’ Brigade Enrolment Service, but due to Covid-19 GB has not been able to meet this year, but today we have a special Church Service with lots of the Girls’ taking part as we remember that no matter what happens, God Is With Us. This pre-recorded service is similar to what will take place at 11:00am in Burnside on Sunday. All of the video clips will be used so that the congregation can benefit from the enthusiasm of our GB Company. May God bless you as you worship with us today. REOPENING We plan to open our church building, once again for worship this Sunday (11:00am 18th October 2020) DV. and we will have an audio link into the hall once the church is filled. Everyone welcome. |
Phone Burnside
Phone Burnside enables anyone without internet to listen to the audio of the service by phoning a local rate number. Depending on your call plan it may not cost you to phone this service. Telephone 028 9344 7199 More Details Here |
‘Thoughts on Tuesdays’ During Lockdown - Wilma Devenney. Many of you will have read Wilma’s contributions to the Blog each Tuesday during Lockdown. The Blog articles have now been curated into a booklet and it is being circulated in support of Zomba Action Project, Malawi in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic there. Suggested donation is £5. If you would like a copy or would be willing to distribute some, contact WIlma on - 028 7083 4864 or 07890323749 |
Click the video below to watch the complete service uninterrupted, or keep scrolling to watch individual parts of the service.
Click on the videos below to view and read individual parts of the service.
Sylvia Leslie
Matthew 1:20-23 - Amy Martin
I’m Special
Luke 2:41-46 - Eden Craig
Allelu, Allelu, Allelu, Alleluia, Praise Ye The Lord.
Julie Craig - Captain
Heather Porter
Luke 24:1-7 - Victoria Fawcett
His Mercy Is More (Our Sins They Are Many)
Acts 1:7-9 - Sarah McCaughey
Thank You Jesus, Thank You Jesus
Some photos from Girls’ Brigade 2019

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