This week our studies continue we follow the theme of Lamenting from Sunday - When Storm Clouds Gather Turn To God. Each day we look at Psalm 77.
I thought you might like to listen to different versions of Psalm 77 sung in a variety of styles this week. A new one each day.
Let’s Pray For Social Witness
Pray for strength for the residents and staff of our homes and units, that they would remain healthy, both physically and emotionally. We thank God for his guidance in all that we do, and pray we would have the wisdom and patience to commit all our plans to him. Centenary As the island of Ireland moves into a year of events to mark the centenary of the changed constitutional landscape, pray that these would provide an opportunity for honest reflection, positive civic engagement, and healing within communities. |
Questions Answered About The Vaccine
If you have concerns or questions about the COVID Vaccines this is an interesting article. An infectious-disease researcher answers: Was the COVID vaccine developed too quickly? How is it different from previous vaccines? Are there ethical concerns with how it was made? |
Today Matt visits a Roman Catholic Cathedral Part 2. (Remember this comes from an American perspective)
Keith & Kristyn Getty have released an EP - New Beginnings, Hymns for the New Year. Each day this week we are sharing one of the hymns. Today - His Mercy Is More.
“Reading Between The Lines” a series working through the bible looking at the well known phrases.
Spare Rib
The Herald
The new Winter edition of the Presbyterian Herald is now available to view free of charge as a PDF on the PCI website. |
Ray Ortlund
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it”
(John 1:5).
Jesus enters our darkness, shining most brightly there. And our darkness is no match for his persistently invading, successfully conquering light and grace and truth.
The darkness is losing.
Gavin Calver writes about the impact the Trump Presidency has had on church in the UK.
“Delighted to have written a piece for The Times on UK evangelicalism & the Trump years. Would love you to have a read. We are a good news people here to impact the UK with the Gospel. P.S. The headline should be evangelicalism not evangelism!” - Gavin Calver - Chief Executive of Evangelical Alliance
Remove The Plank From Your Own Eye (30 minute video)
Keep the kids entertained as Jovis Bon-Hovis explores some fun Bible stories and songs from Matthew! This week Jovis learns why it's important not to judge others when we all have faults too. Matthew 7:3-5 |
Question From Thursday
Q. He may have been the oldest person in the bible but what momentous event happened when Methushael died?
A. The Flood (Count up the ages of all the main characters when they died and the age of Noah when the rain came and you will see the dates fit)
Question For Friday
Q. What did the woman pour on Jesus’ feet at the home of Simon the Leper?
The times for yesterday’s Jigsaw Janice 1:41 Jean 2:25 Derek 3:17 Frances 3:30 The Weekend Jigsaw will take a bit longer to complete. Play the "Portrush Sand Dune Friday" puzzle!
The Website that I use to produce the Jigsaw each day makes our Jigsaws available for anyone to complete and sometimes they highlight one and a lot of people try it out. So far just over 7000 people have tried this one and I don’t want to dishearten anyone (because it isn’t really about the time, its about the fun of completing the puzzle and seeing the North Coast) but this table shows the incredible times that people have logged for this puzzle so far.