Join us during the “Twelve Days Of Christmas” as we explore a potential meaning behind the strange lyrics of the song, and discover the gifts that God has for those who love him.
Let’s Pray For New Year’s Eve
Pray for people throughout Ireland as they reflect on the year that has past. Pray that they will know that God has been with them through all the difficult times of 2020. Pray too that they will put their faith and hope in Jesus Christ for the future. Mission Ireland As the new year begins, pray that the Holy Spirit will speak to those who do not yet know the Lord and that they will turn to him. Pray too for encouragement for all involved in mission. |
New Scottish Hymns Band
Before Christmas I shared The Chosen Christmas Special on the Blog. As I said there is a whole series and Episode 1 is available to watch for free.
Keswick Convention
Check out the latest Keswick Convention podcast! @RachelRedeemed talks to author & pastor, Mark Meynell. We have a tee up for what's in store at the Keswick Convention 2021 from the book of Hosea and lots more. To listen to the full podcast, go to: |
Nicky Gumbel and the story of Alpha (57 minute Audio)
The son of German Jewish immigrants, a barrister and now an Anglican Priest and author of the internationally renowned Alpha Course, Nicky Gumbel shares his journey of faith with Canon J.John, in this episode of 'Facing the Canon'. |
Wrong Side Of History
When you think about it, nearly everyone and everything connected to the first Christmas was on the wrong side of history. Read more here - |
The times for yesterday’s Jigsaw
Jean 2:29
Derek 3:34
Play the "Harry’s Shack Thursday" puzzle!