This week we continue our theme from Sunday of ‘RECENTERING’. Each day we develop the theme a little more in a short 5 minutes video.
Let’s Pray For Portugal
Give thanks for the growth of CPV in Porto, where the Cochranes and Humphries are serving. Pray for the church as they seek to serve God while complying with Covid-19 restrictions. Portugal Pray for the new church members, that they would know God’s hand on their lives and that he would use them wherever he has placed them. |
Remember the work of Gary & Mary Reid who are Global Mission Workers in Kenya
Colin Jenkins
Port Missionary in Cork. Download his latest prayer letter. |
Graham Kendrick twitted this message during the week. “Struggling to know how to pray for the government in 2020? Try this prayer-hymn-blessing for Parliament written in 1893.”
Pray For God’s Word In China
During China’s Cultural Revolution, Long Qinmei kept her New Testament inside a box and hid it in a pig sty when authorities raided her house ...' READ MORE Also check out the other articles at the bottom of the webpage. |
This article by former Moderator Very Rev. Norman Hamilton appeared in the News Letter at the weekend.
Rev Philip McCrea, minister of Rosemary congregation and Convener of the Committee for Congregational Life, reflects on God’s refining process during lockdown and what he senses God is calling him to retain from the lessons he learnt during that period. |
The times for yesterday’s Jigsaw
Derek 3:31
Frances 3:57
Play the "Harbour 2" puzzle!