This week we continue our theme from Sunday of ‘REBUILDING’. Each day we develop the theme a little more in a short 5 minutes video. Today we come to 1 Peter 2:4-10
Listen again to Norman reading 1 Peter 2:4-10
Listen again to the first talk from Sunday
Listen again to Louise singing Cornerstone
On Wednesday the focus for the Blog is prayer
A prayer that we might be refined by our experience of God
Lord, you have promised to be like a refiner’s fire,
proving and purifying our lives as your people.
You refine us like silver and test our lives like gold.
In these last months we have suffered grief and known all kinds of trials.
These have come so that the proven genuineness of our faith
- of far greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire -
may result in praise, glory and honour when Jesus Christ is revealed.
It all sounds so stirring and heroic when we read it on the page of Scripture,
but, like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego of old in the fiery furnace,
we have felt the heat of the flames that have licked around our lives.
We’re not sure whether we shine brighter,
or we are in danger of shrinking back from the lessons you have taught us.
But we want your refining to redefine our lives as your people,
and as your church.
Help us to take confidence that as we have walked through the fire,
we have not been burned and the flames have not set us ablaze.
Already refined by the experience of pandemic and lockdown,
give us a fresh faith to call on your name,
and to know that you will answer us and say, ‘They are my people,’
so that we can reply with new vigour, ‘The LORD is our God.’
As your work in us is further revealed by fire in these days,
and that furnace tests the quality of our life and witness,
may we be further refined into your ways for us -
reformed, remoulded, reshaped, re-polished, reignited,
for your glory.
In Jesus’ name.
Let’s Pray For PCI global mission workers
Give thanks for PCI’s global mission workers and partners across the globe, asking that God would bless their work and encourage them in life and witness as they continue to minister for him in a multitude of settings and circumstances. Pray for grace, patience, creativity, resilience, wisdom and safety for PCI global mission workers as they serve far from home and loved ones in these strange and disrupted times. |
Remember to pray for the PCI Global Mission Workers. This is a video update about Volker & Jinhyeog Glissman.
Scripture Union
The latest prayer letter from Andrew Neill the North Coast E3 worker is now available. View it below and watch the video update from Andrew. |
For Your Prayers
Church - We miss community. We have visited a number of churches, and we are still looking for a community where we can begin to contribute and to be part of, ideally a smaller newer church plant.
Volunteering - We would like to get involved in a small way in some of the many projects being undertaken in the city, but need wisdom to know how and when to begin
Relationships, - We have been in our building just over a month now and already getting to know some of our neighbours, Effie, Elsa and Maria. Pray that God would lead us into meaningful relationships with some of our neighbours.
Discipling - We long to see people grow and mature in Christ, and are asking God to lead us and direct us. Pray for individuals with whom we can do this.
Living For God In Exile (30 minute Audio)
Have you ever wondered what it is like to live for God in exile? Listen to this engaging Bible study as Phil and David discuss the stories of Daniel and Esther and how they remained faithful to God even in exile and far from home. |
Righteous in Christ
Want to understand what it means to be found righteous by God? Watch this powerful episode of Discipleship Explored to uncover the incredible truth that it's only because of Jesus' death on the cross that we are found righteous by God and explore how this knowledge can help us develop the right attitude towards God and others. |
Faith Hope & Love
In the penultimate blog in the These Three Remain series, Rev Stephen Richmond, minister of Donegal Town and Stranorlar, reflects on the three pillars of faith, hope & love and how they have sustained him in all the unknowns of the pandemic |
The times for yesterday’s Jigsaw Janice 1:48 Derek 4:24 Frances 4:50 Lynne 5:08 Play the "Balintoy" puzzle! |