This week we begin a brand new series for the summer, “Meals With Jesus!”.
One of the things that we have all missed during the Covid Restrictions is being able to eat together with friends and family. These are always such important occasions when we catch up, encourage one another and learn about each other’s lives. In church we have missed sharing those cups of tea and catching up, so this summer we are going to eat a number of meals with Jesus, beginning this week at the Home of Simon The Pharisee.
Each day we look in a little more detail at the passage from Sunday - Luke 7:36-50
Let’s Pray For Social Witness
Pray that the programme of visits for family and friends will continue to develop over the summer months and begin a more normal regime of regular visiting. Give thanks for the new visiting arrangements, which have greatly lifted the moral of residents and family and friends over the past few weeks. Legacy Pray for those who have found recent Government announcements and news reports about legacy and dealing with the past painful and distressing. Pray that they would know the comfort of the God of all peace, and be able to rest in Him. General Council Pray for churches as they adapt to the potential easing of restrictions (in NI at present) and work out what that will mean for the running of services, children’s and other activities. Pray that leaders will be given wisdom as they seek to take responsibility for the safety of all church members and visitors and as they encourage the return to church of those who have been absent for some time and who may be nervous about returning. Council for Training in Ministry Drew Gibson, Professor of Practical Theology in Union College, retires today after 15 years teaching in the College. Give thanks for Drew and the godly influence he has had on students over the past 15 years, and pray that the Lord would bless and use him as he retires from full-time work. |
“Reading Between The Lines” a series working through the bible looking at the well known phrases.
Vanity Of Vanities
While we were in Keswick in The Lake District, Keswick At Portstewart was taking place virtually, some of you may already have watched the broadcasts during Convention Week, but in case you have missed any I will share them on the Burnside Blog over the next few days.
The times for yesterday’s Jigsaw
Eddie 3:07
Jean 3:18
It’s Friday so something a little more challenging.
Play the "Friday Brixham" puzzle!