Hope At Easter. During this Pandemic do you ever feel that you are Sinking? This week we have a series of special messages for Easter Week. Each day we find Hope At Easter as we listen to what Jesus said from the cross. We have a bible reading some special music from Eileen a message from J. John, a testimony about Trypraying and a guest singer. Listen each day (including Saturday) and share with someone who might benefit.
Yesterday on Tides we were invited to listen to this song by Casting Crowns - Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me)
Let’s Pray For Derek & Jane French (global mission workers in Spain)
Pray for Derek for a quick and successful recovery from a recent operation. Pray too for Bilbao International Church and the leadership team as they take on more responsibility and for those coming to the church who are seeking, that they will come to faith in Christ. Malawi Pray for the Student Christian Organisation of Malawi and Scripture Union Malawi as they spread the gospel to children and teenagers in Malawi and seek to disciple young Christians in their Christian faith. |
“Reading Between The Lines” a series working through the bible looking at the well known phrases.
Thou Shalt
The Bible Society have created a series of videos which follow Jesus’ footsteps in Holy Week.
The latest Prayer Diary and Newsletter from EMF and a video from their recent conference.
C. H. Spurgeon famously quipped, "The Word of God is like a lion. You don't have to defend a lion. All you have to do is let the lion loose..." God's powerful Word is 'let loose' through faithful preaching and teaching, but also through the written word and the printed page, which can often reach people where there are few, if any, gospel workers.
The latest prayer letter and Termly News from Andrew Neill
Virtual Rally Thursday 29th April 2021
Open Doors - World Watch List
Open Doors has released the World Watch List. The list of countries where it is most dangerous to be a Christian in 2021. The full list can be found here https://www.opendoorsuk.org/persecution/world-watch-list/ This week the focus is on Iraq the 10th most dangerous country in the world to be a Christian. Read about it here https://www.opendoorsuk.org/persecution/world-watch-list/iraq/ |
This week we continue the 24/7 Prayer Course with Pete Greig - a course which we took part in a couple of years ago on Wednesday evenings. The videos have been re-recorded and a couple more sessions have been added since then. Here is a link to this week’s resource guide.
Below is the link to the website of the whole course and you can watch any of the individual sessions again.
Christian Unions Ireland
The prayer points for this week. 26th – 31st March – Three out of the four members of Cork Institute of Technology CU committee are graduating this year. With a small CU and not many students coming behind, pray that the right people are found to form a new committee and continue helping the CU grow in evangelism and care for their campus. – Give thanks for the boldness and creativity of students in mission. Pray for those planning outreach events and talks this semester, seeking to proclaim God’s goodness as warmly and relationally as possible, whilst juggling with Covid–regulations. |
The times for yesterday’s Jigsaw Janice 1:44 Derek 2:55 Jean 3:07 Play the "Derwentwater Wednesday" puzzle! https://www.jigsawplanet.com/?rc=play&pid=39743a543112 |