This week we continue week 5 of the Journey of Lent, a journey of 40 days through the Wilderness with Jesus Christ towards Easter. We go on a Journey of New Life with Jesus through the wilderness as the Holy Spirit takes dry bones and breaths new life.
Let’s Pray For Heidi England (deaconess in Railway Street, Lisburn)
Pray for those in the congregation who are isolated, bereaved or afraid, that they will experience Jesus himself ministering to them. Pray for the women who take part in the online Bible study, that they will hear God speaking to them and pray too for Heidi as she leads it. Fahan congregation Pray for wisdom and discernment for all involved in the Fahan and Waterside vacancy. Pray for the online services and midweeks viewed by many non-members, and for support for the wider community. |
This hymn was mentioned during the prayer meeting yesterday so I thought I would share it with everyone.
All your anxiety, all your care
Bring to the mercy seat, leave it there,
Never a burden He cannot bear,
Never a friend like Jesus!
“Reading Between The Lines” a series working through the bible looking at the well known phrases.
Red Sea
Everyday we share another instalment of the film about Corrie Ten Boom Part 14
This week I continue to suggest a film each day. These videos are free to watch but may take a little longer than the usual video to fully appreciate.
Count Zinzendorf: The Rich Young Ruler Who Said Yes (1 hour 45 minute video)
A film detailing in four programs the life and ministry of Count Zinzendorf who set aside a life of wealth, politics and privilege to follow God's call. Once in a while someone comes along who has a profound effect on the course of future history. Count Zinzendorf was one of those remarkable people. Born into nobility in 1700, he put aside a life of wealth, politics and privilege to follow God's call. He established a refugee settlement for persecuted Christians.
Hardened Heart (27 minute video)
What did it mean when the Bible said God hardened Pharaoh's heart? @greglaurie explores this topic and looks at how we can make sure OUR OWN hearts are not hardened. Watch now on UCB Player. |
A Song A Month
Since the world changed last March, musicians have captured this season’s many moods and themes. Here are 12 highlights—one from each month. |
Here is a song-based resource on the Doctrine of Salvation you can use to teach your children. |
How do we know that Jesus really existed, was crucified and died? Is it rational to believe that Jesus rose from the dead? How can we trust what Jesus’ disciples reported?
Sustaining Life
Should we do everything medically possible to sustain life? The answer to this question has changed even though God’s Word has not changed. |
What Does Hebrews 11:1 Mean?
What is the author of Hebrews getting at in this verse? “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1 The author of Hebrews is presenting much more than a definition of what faith is, but also offering a summary of what faith does. |
Another organ concert from 2nd December 2020
The times for yesterday’s Jigsaw
Jean 3:06
Derek 3:06
Frances 3:47
Play the "Portstewart Thursday" puzzle!