Joy In Knowing Christ
Graham Kendrick, Kristyn Getty & Jonathan Veira
Each Wednesday the theme of the Blog is prayer. I hope these articles and videos will encourage you as you pray.
A prayer for restoration of our shattered lives
Helper of the helpless,
so much of our lives lie shattered and tattered;
our minds wander through the wreckage of the last few brutal months,
our hearts are heavy through the havoc wrought by suffering,
the deficit of distance is felt in even our closest relationships,
just making ends meet seems to matter more than it has for a long time,
our souls are shredded by the strain and stress of uncertainty.
O, restore us, we plead.
Restore our souls,
LORD our Shepherd.
Restore us, LORD God Almighty,
make your face shine on us,
that we may be saved.
Restore our fortunes, LORD,
like streams in the Negev.
Restore our withered hands,
sightless eyes,
troubled minds,
by today’s touch of the Master,
on the broken body of the church he loves.
Restore to us the joy of your salvation,
and grant a willing spirit to sustain us.
Let us rejoice like Jacob,
and be glad like Israel,
when you restore us as your people.
God of all grace,
who called us to your eternal glory in Christ,
after we have suffered this little while,
restore us and make us strong, firm and steadfast.
For Jesus’ sake.
Let’s Pray For - Summer refreshment
Pray that we would know God’s refreshment in what will be an unusual summer as interruption to holidays, spending time with others and many of the normal ways in which we find renewal remain. Pray for congregational life this summer, asking that we might know God’s renewal after the stresses of the upheavals of the last few months and the efforts required to adjust to new ways of ministry. |
Some points for prayer from Arthur in Benin.
- Several schools and faculties have had end of year celebrations in spite of nearly three months of inactivity. Thank the Lord!
- Other groups just petered out. Pray that members will keep in contact and be motivated to start up when the new year begins.
- Our national camp for schools and universities is planned for the end of July. Are we optimistic? Also the travel costs for students from the north are prohibitive...Pray all will work out for the best.
- July state exams. August results. Pray I will be a good support to the boys with me and a good advisor when the results come.
- My biggest frustration: several of my 'old boys' are unemployed (including Matthew the blind graduate and his new wife) and continue to make demands. Pray for wisdom how to cope!
Janice 1:44 Jean 3:11 Derek 4:10 Frances 5:11 Wilfred 5:26 Play the "Dominican College from the other side" puzzle! |
This is the summer seat above the bay at the Edgewater Apartments just before you reach The Strand. The story goes that a digger type vehicle was being driven down the grass bank, (to pick up a washed up seal/porpoise) when the driver lost control and crashed into the summer seat. Quite a bit of the grass bank along the side of the path has also been rearranged.
Some might say that I am running out of ideas for the Where Is It? You can be the judge of that. Where Is It?