There is a new blog published each day Monday to Friday with links below to the Blogs this week if you would like to catch up or revisit a Blog.
For Lent we are reading “Finding Mercy On The Way Of Sorrow” by Robin Ham.
Read Monday’s Blog Here
Read Tuesday’s Blog Here
Read Wednesday’s Blog Here
Read Thursday’s Blog Here
Beside The Burn
A short devotional video to watch below each day.
Or listen via your Podcast software on your phone
Public SquarePray for churches and Christians in Belfast as they respond to the consultation on changing bye-laws. Pray that their responses will be taken into consideration when making decisions about changing the laws relating to public speaking in the city centre.
General Council
Pray for the ongoing work of the Code Republishing Panel as they finalise their report for the 2024 General Assembly. Pray for wisdom and discernment as the panel concludes its report for transmission to the General Assembly via the Judicial Commission.
Training in MinistryThe Conciliation Service is led by its convener, Rev Paul Jamieson, with 30 conciliators who respond to requests for conciliation in issues across the island, and offer training to kirk sessions, committees and congregations. Pray for them as they seek to serve the Lord in this, and enable people to resolve differences and conflict in Christ-honouring ways.
Word For Today
You may well have the printed copy of the Word For Today but you can also read it at the link below.
Best Times For Yesterday’s Puzzle:
Jean 2:34
Eddie 2:49
Derek 3:07
Play the "Strand Friday" puzzle!