Join us during Lent. Forty Unseen Women Of The Bible - From Eden to Easter. Join us each day of Lent on the Church Website for a 40 day devotional journey through the bible.
There is a book to accompany the series. “40 Women - Unseen Women of the Bible from Eden to Easter” by Ros Clarke.
You can order “40 Women” at any good bookshop or online.
It is available as a download on Kindle - £5.69 -
From Amazon in Paperback -£7.75 -
From 10 of Those in Paperback - £8.49 -
Let’s Pray Social Witness
Pray for Neil Gillespie, project worker in Thompson House, who is planning to hold a Bible study with residents, commencing on 17 March. Pray that residents will attend, participate well and have a desire to accept Jesus as their Saviour. Give thanks for the enthusiasm of staff wishing to share the love of Jesus to those who often go unreached in today’s society. Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Give thanks for opportunities for children and young people with additional needs to receive appropriate education provision. Pray for school leaders, teachers, assistants and support staff in these educational settings as they seek to provide opportunities for pupils to flourish and thrive. Pray too for families, many of whom have had compounded challenges arising from covid restrictions. General CouncilPray for the meeting of the General Council to be held on Tuesday 29 March. Remember especially the convener of the Council, Very Rev Dr Noble McNeely, the secretary, Rev Trevor Gribben and the Moderator as he chairs. Council for Training in Ministry A ‘Ministry Taster Day’ is being held in Union College today, for people who want to find out more about ordained ministry. Pray for Prof David Leach, and other staff and students who will take part, and pray that the Lord will speak to people to call them to serve him in ordained ministry. |
“Reading Between The Lines” a series working through the bible looking at the well known phrases.
Moderator’s Tour Of The Presbytery
On a visit to the Causeway Hospital, the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI), Right Reverend Dr David Bruce, saluted the work of the hospital chaplains, praising ‘the critical role they play in the life of the hospital, its patients and staff’. READ MORE HERE |
The times for yesterday’s Jigsaw
Jean 2:31
Eddie 2:43
Derek 3:14
Play the "Promenade Friday" puzzle!