Psalm 2 v 12
Kiss The Son
Every Friday Frances shares a hymn with us.
Little Things mean a Lot.’
This may be a sentence we use often in our conversations but not everyone may be familiar with the fact that this was the title of a popular song published in 1953.
Basically, the lyrics of the song point out that happiness does not come from occasional grand achievements, but from the little things that fill our daily lives.
For example, Verse 2 is as follows:
‘Give me your arm as we cross the street
Call me at six on the dot
A line a day when you’re far away
Little things mean a lot’
When was the last time you got a thank you note or an unexpected phone-call which brightened your day? Did that ‘little thing’ mean a lot to you? Might it be possible that the ‘little things’ in reality turn out to be the ‘big things?’
As we note in Matthew 19:14 NIV, Jesus welcomes the children. He said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.’
In the Parable of ‘Feeding of the Five Thousand’ we note that Andrew, one of Jesus’ disciples, pointed out that there was a boy present who had five small barley loaves and two small fish, but he added, ‘How far will they go among so many?’
We know the end of the story…everyone well fed and twelve baskets of bread left over!
We learn in James 3:4 NIV that ‘a small rudder makes a huge ship turn wherever the pilot chooses to go, even though the winds are strong.’
And in that very familiar Hymn, ‘Jesus loves Me,’ we read ‘Little ones to Him belong.’
Our Song this week? It can only be: ‘The Little Things’
Last week Frances asked where was the Bible reference in the video of the hymn. The eagle eyed of you will have spotted Philippians 4:13,14 on the guitar of the band.
Let’s Pray for Those still shielding
Give thanks for the patience and perseverance of those who have had to shield and exercise greatest caution and restraint during lockdown due to underlying health conditions. Pray that as some shielding restrictions are relaxed, a greater freedom and confidence will be enjoyed by those gradually beginning to edge back to a more normal rhythm of life. |
10 of Those have set up an online bookstall for books which will be recommended during Virtually Keswick this year. There are packs of books at discount. Browse the offers here
Amos (59 Minute Audio)
If you would like to learn more about the prophet Amos listen to Michael McKelvey—associate professor of Old Testament at RTS Jackson, and author of the commentary on the book of Amos in the ESV Expository Commentary Volume 7, speak about Salvation in the book of Amos Here are some other resources on Amos:
These Three Remain
Lessons we are learning about being the good news, Joanne Smith, minister of Caledon & Minterburn reflects on what her churches have been learning about experiencing and expressing the good news of the gospel in their witness during Covid-19 Read The Article Here |
How To Consume The News
The COVID-19 pandemic and protests of racial injustice, and the media whirlwinds surrounding both, have heightened an emerging tension for Christians. We need knowledge and information to act rightly and wisely, yet excessive news consumption often creates anxiety, division, quarrelsomeness, and frustration. Read the article here |
Times for Thursdays puzzle Janice 2:12 Derek 5:33 Do remember that the Friday puzzle is larger than the puzzles during the week, so it should take longer to complete. Even Janice takes a little bit longer at the weekend. Play the "Sunset Flight" puzzle! |
Yesterday the sign is at the entrance to Portstewart Strand showing the maximum speed and no motor bikes allowed
So where are the fishing pots?