This week we begin a new series “How do we cope with James?” This week we ask “How do we cope with ... Speaking?” We all face difficulties in life and James has some great advice.
The Gospel Coalition have produced a playlist of 100 songs inspired by the book of James, and I intend to share some of those songs each day on the Blog, but you can listen to the full playlist during the next few weeks as we continue our studies in this book. I have benefited greatly from listening to these songs over and over again as I have asked God to speak from His word.
You can stream the playlist on Spotify or on Apple Music right now.
Here are the songs for today.
This week is all about How we cope with Speaking.
- “May the Words,” Ellie Holcomb - A beautiful song asking that our words would be acceptable in the sight of God
- “Take My Life and Let it Be,” Paul Zach, featuring Liz Vice - a beautiful acoustic version of this hymn. verse 3
Take my voice and let me sing
always, only, for my King.
Take my lips and let them be
filled with messages from thee,
Youtube Playlist
I’ll add the songs to this playlist each day.
Let’s Pray For Moderator
Pray for politicians in all parties as they debate matters which affect us all. Especially, pray regarding the major liberalisation to abortion legislation in Northern Ireland. Strength and peace in worship ‘The Lord give strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.’ Psalm 29:11. Today as we worship in person, online or on our own, ask God that he would strengthen us as his people and bless our hearts with his peace. Global Mission - Covid-19 Pray for those living in countries where healthcare and state support is limited. Pray for India where case numbers are extremely high and for neighbouring countries including Nepal where case numbers are rising fast. Pray for PCI’s partners in India and Nepal at this difficult time. Global relief and development Pray for Christian Aid, Tearfund and PCI partners around the world involved in humanitarian relief and development work, reaching out to those in greatest need in the name of Jesus. |
J.John talks with Samara Levy, the inspirational mum of two who is serving Jesus in Syria and the Middle East.
“Reading Between The Lines” a series working through the bible looking at the well known phrases.
Doing What’s Right In Our Own Eyes
How Long Does It Take To Read The Bible
This Website was mentioned in Tides on Thursday, it is a page giving timings for how long it takes tech average person to read the individual books of the bible. It may surprise you how little time it actually takes. It also gives you lots of options as to how long it will take to read the whole bible or just the New or Old Testaments. |
Highlights of the show include The Florence Nightingale Garden: A Celebration of Modern Day Nursing designed by @rmalandscape; Finding Our Way: An NHS Tribute Garden by @NFerrettCohen and @biblesociety: The Psalm 23 Garden by Sarah Eberle Landscape and Garden Design.
Do you long for revival? From time to time, the Lord has brought supernatural renewal to his people using the ordinary means of grace—prayer, the preaching and reading of Scripture, and singing the wonders of the gospel of Christ. As Alistair Begg reminds us in this clip from Sing! Global 2020, no situation is hopeless when almighty God is on our side. Sometimes, when things seem most bleak, God is merely setting the stage for his surprising work of grace. So we walk forward with confidence, proclaiming the Word of truth, and waiting patiently on the Lord.
The times for yesterday’s Jigsaw
Derek 15:40
Play the "Strand Monday" puzzle!