Read Monday’s Blog Here
Read Tuesday’s Blog Here
Beside The Burn
A short devotional video each week day, this week from Revelation 7
Gary & Mary Reid (global mission workers, Kenya) Give thanks and pray for the local evangelists and worship leaders who lead, teach, preach and are involved with primary and secondary schools and the wider community.
The Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) Pray for Rt. Rev. Patrick Thegu Mutahi, Moderator, along with his leadership team, as they seek to fulfil PCEA’s vision of equipping God’s people for effective service. |
Word For Today
Read the Word For Today |
There will be a limited number of these available on Sunday for a cost of £6.50 Advent this year begins on Sunday 27th November and on the Blog we are going to follow a series based on the book, “Brightest and Best” by Philippa Ruth Wilson. You can order it from Faith Mission Bookshops, Or 10ofThose Or for Kindle from Amazon |
Christian Unions Ireland
The prayer points for this week. 19 – 25 November Graduates: pray for our final year students as they consider what life looks like after university. That they would know the peace and comfort of our good God and that they would enjoy and glorify him wherever they end up post uni. Praise God for Queen’s CU small groups. The launch night this year saw some groups having over 30 in them, which of course presents a challenge for the leaders! Please pray for the small group leaders, and Chris as small group coordinator, as they work through the blessing of having so many people, and may these numbers of people continue throughout the year to come together, encouraging one another to grow in Christ as they study God’s word and pray together. Pray that the CU as a whole has captured the vision of CU and are willing and enthusiastic to share their faith as the semester gets busy. That the students in UCD would rely on Christ through everything and staying grounded in his word in busy times. |
Open Doors - World Watch List
Open Doors has updated the World Watch List. The list of countries where it is most dangerous to be a Christian in 2022. The full list can be found here This week the focus is on Qatar the 18th most dangerous country in the world to be a Christian. Read about it here |
Pray For Christians In Qatar
There are no publicly known followers of Jesus among the Qatari people. Read more here: |
Bible Society
John’s Gospel and copies of the New Testament in 14 different languages will be distributed during the World Cup finals that kick off in Qatar on 20 November. Read More Here |
The times for yesterday’s Jigsaw
Eddie 3:11
Play the "Runkerry Wednesday" puzzle!