Prayer requests from Presbyterian Mission in Ireland personnel and Home and Urban Mission congregations.
Moderator – Rt Rev Dr Ian McNie
· Pray for the Moderator as he continues his tour of Ballymena Presbytery this week. This will include: visiting schools; meeting local traders; speaking at a Gospel Rally in Connor Presbyterian Church this evening, (Wednesday 8th); and on Sunday (11th) speaking at the morning service in Clough Presbyterian Church, and at the evening service in Third Portglenone Presbyterian Church.
Eleanor Drysdale – Deaconess serving in Wellington Presbyterian Church, Ballymena
· Pray for the work in the congregation amongst the senior members. A number of them have been in hospital recently or are awaiting tests. It is anxious time for them and their families.
· Give thanks for the work of the congregation’s new pastoral care teams. Eleanor writes, “They are making a difference and have been such an encouragement.”
Rosemary Spiers – Deaconess serving in First Antrim Presbyterian Church
· Pray for Rosemary who is involved in visitation, Tiny Tots and the Care Ministry in First Antrim congregation, and also takes school assemblies and visits nursing homes in the local area.
· Pray that Rosemary would be led by God in all she says and does.
· Pray that God would do great things in Antrim, transforming lives for His glory.
Eddie Spence – Community Outreach Worker serving in Ballygomartin Presbyterian Church
· Pray for the preparations for the Christmas concert on 28th November in Ballygomartin Presbyterian, when Eddie will perform with his eight-piece band. Pray for ticket sales to go well, and that many will attend for the congregation, local community and further afield. Pray for all who will take part, and that it will be an enjoyable evening and that all will go smoothly.
· Pray for the men that Eddie meets in the community garden in Blackmountain Estate and the continuing relationships he is building with them. Pray that the Word of God may be planted in their hearts and minds as he engages with them.
· Pray for those who attend Eddie's weekly Bible study in a home in Highfield Estate.
· Pray for the men and women who work in Farset International Hotel, and also those who meet on Friday mornings with Eddie to discuss political, social and Biblical matters.
· Pray for the midweek meetings. Eddie has been asked to lead these every other week. Pray for time to prepare material and to engage folks in a meaningful way which meets their needs, and challenges them to radical discipleship.
· Give thanks for Eddie's improved health.
Rodney Cameron – Chaplain serving at Maghaberry Prison
Rodney is currently in France where he was the guest speaker at a conference in Rennes, Brittany for prison chaplains in western France, which concludes today (7th).
· Give thanks for the opportunities Rodney has had to meet with others in France engaged in prison chaplaincy.
· Pray for Rodney and Graham Stockdale (working part-time) as they continue in prison ministry in Magheraberry.
· Pray for the meetings being held in the prison when singers and a speaker come to share their testimony with the prisoners. Give thanks for the positive response to this.
· Pray for the Presbyterian Church in Ireland and its engagement in the work of prison ministry.
Norman McDowell – Forces Chaplain
Norman writes, "Working with recruits from the day they first set foot in an army barracks is a real privilege. These young people have, on the whole, had no positive contact with the church, and some have even the impression that we are only there for funerals. I have the opportunity to minister to between 50 and 250 of these young people on a weekly basis, and many more than that in a pastoral counselling way.”
· Pray that the recruits will be able to see that Christianity is about life, rather than death.
· Pray that God will speak to those Norman meets with on a weekly basis, and that those who are Christians will have a strong and faithful impact on their peers.
· Remember also the staff, both civilian and military.
Alt Presbyterian Church – Rev Colin McKibben
· Give thanks for joint summer services, which have given the Alt congregation a great boost; for a family who have recently joined the congregation; and for Glendermott congregation helping Alt out with recorded music.
· Pray for the harvest service on 1st November; as this draws in the local community.
· Give thanks for the witness of the congregation of Alt over the past 180 years and pray for the celebrations to mark this, which will take place in May.
· Pray for the congregation as they seek to elect new elders and committee members in June.
· Pray for the installation of new sound and PowerPoint systems, that they hope to put in place in the new year.
· As God continues to bless the congregation, pray for an out pouring of the Holy Spirit.
· Pray too for the team ministry that is up and running; for Evelyn Boyd (Auxiliary Minister) and Colin & Beth McKibbin.
Corvally and Ervey Presbyterian Churches
· Pray for the life and witness of the home mission congregations of Corvalley and Ervey in the Monaghan Presbytery which are vacant at present, as part of the wider group including Castleblaney and Frankford.
· Pray for the elders and members of the congregation.
Kells Presbyterian Church (Monaghan Presbytery)
· Pray for the congregation which is vacant at present.
· Give thanks for faithful and loyal members and pray that more people will come along to Sunday services.
· Pray for Rev Christy Irwin, stated supply in Kells, reaching out to people in need of spiritual help, many of whom have no church connection.
Council for Mission in Ireland
The Council for Mission in Ireland (CMI) is due to meet next Wednesday morning (14th).
· Pray for wisdom and discernment in all decisions made by CMI; and a clear sense of God’s guidance in all we do in His Mission in Ireland.
· Pray for the Council Convener, Rev Stephen Simpson and Council Secretary, Rev David Bruce.