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Read Tuesday’s Blog Here
Read Wednesday’s Blog Here
Read Thursday’s Blog Here
Beside The Burn
A short devotional video each week day, this week from Revelation 8
Let’s Pray For Social Witness Staffing is one of the most important factors in the delivery of high-quality care throughout our residential and nursing homes. Pray for recruitment days coming up in both Corkey House and Sunnyside House. Pray that vacant posts in these services will be filled with suitably committed staff. Give thanks for staff teams right across Social Witness who faithfully carry out their jobs. Pray that our residents may see the love of Christ through such care.
Financial pressures Give thanks for the work of organisations like Christians Against Poverty, Trussell Trust and Storehouse that support those facing financial hardship. Pray that those who are struggling financially would be able to receive the support they need, and that steps would be taken to address the structural systems which perpetuate poverty. General Council Pray for the General Assembly Business Committee as it meets next week to discuss ongoing planning for the 2023 General Assembly and reviewing certain aspects of Assembly week. Training in Ministry Final training for new conciliators is this weekend. Pray for trainees, that they would be prompted and equipped by God to serve in this way. The Conciliation Service has an increased number of cases. Thank God that it is being used, and ask him to give wisdom to conciliators, and to work reconciliation in the hearts of those involved. |
Word For Today
Read the Word For Today |
There will be a limited number of these available on Sunday for a cost of £6.50 Advent this year begins on Sunday 27th November and on the Blog we are going to follow a series based on the book, “Brightest and Best” by Philippa Ruth Wilson. You can order it from Faith Mission Bookshops, Or 10ofThose Or for Kindle from Amazon |
A service of Remembrance for Brother Andrew, watch below.
After yesterday’s Wexford Carol, here is a song about Zacchaeus also by Dave Whitcroft
The times for yesterday’s Jigsaw
Eddie 2:24
Jean 2:33
Derek 2:55
Something more challenging on a Friday.
Play the "Viewpoint Friday" puzzle!