Issued on Wednesday 18th March 2015
Prayer requests from Presbyterian Mission in Ireland personnel and Home Mission congregations.
Following the restructuring process in Assembly Buildings, the new Council for Mission in Ireland (CMI) now oversees the work of Presbyterian Mission in Ireland. Tomorrow morning (Thursday 19th), the Council is meeting for the second time.
· Pray for wisdom and discernment in all decisions made by CMI; and a clear sense of God’s guidance in all we do in His Mission in Ireland.
· Pray for the Council Convener, Rev Stephen Simpson and Council Secretary, Rev David Bruce.
· Pray for the three Council Committees and their Conveners: the Home Mission, Irish Mission and Deaconess Committee (Rev Brian Colvin); the Healthcare, Prison and Forces Chaplaincy Committee (Rev Donald Patton); and the Universities and Colleges Chaplaincy Committee (Dr Maureen Bennett).
· Pray for an increasing passion for God’s mission across our Church; and a willingness to be Christ’s witnesses in Ireland.
· Pray too for the staff working in the Mission Department in Assembly Buildings as they carry out their day to day work.
Moderator – Rt Rev Michael Barry
· Pray for the Moderator’s visit to the N. Ireland Hospice at their temporary premises in Whiteabbey Hospital tomorrow, (Thursday 19th).
· Remember the Moderator as he speaks in Annalong Presbyterian Church this Sunday morning, (22nd), and in Trinity Presbyterian Church, Ballymoney this Sunday evening as they celebrate their 200th anniversary.
· Pray too for him as he chairs the General Council meeting next Wednesday, 25th March.
Amanda Cooper – Deaconess serving in New Row Presbyterian Church
· Pray for Amanda who will be resigning from New Row at end of May. Amanda will be accompanying and her husband Andrew, who is taking a six-month sabbatical in South Africa and Brazil. Pray for their children Graham and Claire who will remain in University in England. Pray for a time of rest and refreshment for Amanda and that the Lord will open doors and opportunities to share the love of Christ as they travel.
· Pray for New Row as the Kirk Session meet to review future ministry needs.
David Morrison – Community Outreach Worker serving in First Donaghadee Presbyterian Church
· Pray for the congregation at this time of vacancy as they make decisions and try to discern their mission as a church in Donagahdee. Pray that God's Spirit will transform hearts within the congregation, not just to do mission, but to be missional in all that they are.
· Pray for those in ‘Funky Fridays’ - the congregation’s after-schools Bible club, who have become Christians, but don't yet go to church.
· Pray for the PCI team who will come during the first week of July to share the love and message of Jesus with the children and young people of Donaghadee. Pray that God would prepare the hearts of children and their families so that the soil will be ready for the Gospel to be planted. Pray too that the congregation will feel burdened to follow up and use the opportunity that will flow from the week.
Hazel Reid – Deaconess serving in First Broughshane Presbyterian Church
· Pray for the GriefShare meeting in the congregation which is now into its fourth week. Pray that each person who comes will know God’s healing power and His wonderful peace, presence and love in their hearts.
· Praise God that First Broughshane’s small group Bible studies are continuing well as they make their way through “Promises Kept”.
· Hazel has recently been involved with a Scripture Union team, along with the schools’ worker Rachel Sheppard, going into Broughshane Primary with the “Amazing Jesus” lessons and with “It’s your move” with P7 in June. Pray that many of the children will come to know Jesus and grow in their faith.
Mark Proctor – Chaplain serving in Tallaght Hospital
· Mark used to work in construction and had rough hard hands. Now he’s a part-time hospital chaplain and has soft hands (due to the antibacterial hand gel that he needs to apply countless times each day!) Pray that he, and all chaplains, will have soft hearts too, filled with Christ’s compassion for the patients and families they minister to.
· Pray that through the pastoral care given by Mark and other chaplains, many will experience God’s comfort.
· Pray too for gospel opportunities. When these arise, pray that conversations will always be full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that we have the right response for everyone. (Colossians 4:6)
Craigavon Presbyterian Church – Rev Lachlan Webster
· Thank God for the successful launch of Craigavon’s twice monthly Sunday night book clubs (home groups in the church) and the 90 adults and children who attended last week.
· Pray for God's blessing as they prepare to use "My Hope with Billy Graham" on Good Friday evening.
· Pray for God's guidance as they begin planning their holiday Bible club which will run in the last week of the summer term.
· Pray for the swift completion of the congregation’s car park extension which is needed to provide safer parking and access to the church buildings.
Douglas Presbyterian Church – Rev David Reid
Pray for the life and witness of the home mission congregation of Douglas in Omagh Presbytery.
Pray for the minster, the elders and members of the congregation.
Kilkenny Presbyterian Church – Rev Daniel Reyes-Martin
Pray for the life and witness of the home mission congregation of Kilkenny.
Pray for the minster, the elders and members of the congregation and for Tom Dowling, Irish Mission Worker.
Mission in Ireland Evenings
· Give thanks for the five Mission in Ireland evenings held earlier this month. Feedback has been very positive.
· Pray for the remaining four Mission in Ireland Evenings which are due to be held in the next week as follows:-
Ballymena Presbytery
Wednesday 18th March in Connor Presbyterian Church at 8.00pm
Carrickfergus Presbytery
Sunday 22nd March in Gardenmore Presbyterian Church at 6.30pm
Down Presbytery
Sunday 22nd March in Raffrey Presbyterian Church at 7.00pm
North Belfast Presbytery
Sunday 22nd March in Whiteabbey Presbyterian Church at 7.00pm
· Pray for the speakers as they prepare for and speak at the above events.
· Pray for good attendance and that many people will be better informed and encouraged by the work of Presbyterian Mission in Ireland personnel and Home Mission congregations.