Beside The Burn
A short devotional video each day, this week we begin a new series in the Gospel of Matthew meeting Jesus - The King.
Let’s Pray For Moderator
The Moderator would value prayer for wisdom and direction in the planning of the next few months. Pray that he would make strategic use of each day, clearly doing what serves the purposes of our Lord. Worship: Part of something bigger Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. 117:1 As we worship today ask God to increase our awareness that we participate in the worship of the worldwide people of God. St Petersburg Christian University, Russia Give thanks for the new Master’s Degree in Systematic Theology which has been received positively by the students, and pray that the University would be well resourced despite a challenging economic climate. The Presbyterian Church of South Sudan (PCOSS) Pray for fresh resolve and initiative to work for reconciliation in the PCOSS after the split that took place following its General Assembly in 2020. |
Word For Today
Read the Word For Today |
(Tune with Refrain)
(“Be Still My Soul: The Lord is on your side”)
When John the Baptist preached for all to hear,
He said, "Repent! The kingdom has come near!"
His rough, prophetic manner caused surprise,
But people heard his words and were baptized.
Prepare the Lord's own way! Make his paths straight!
It's time to change! We can no longer wait!
Among the crowds that day were mighty men
Who proudly traced their line to Abraham.
But John proclaimed that they should change their ways --
For trees that don't bear fruit are set ablaze.
Prepare the Lord's own way! Make his paths straight!
It's time to change! We can no longer wait!
O God, we harm creation by our greed;
We overlook our neighbours in their need.
We let our lives be ruled by hate and fear;
Your call to change is one we need to hear:
Prepare the Lord's own way! Make his paths straight!
It's time to change! We can no longer wait!
And Lord, you call for change in your church, too,
For even here we've wandered far from you.
Renew in us a vision of your Way,
And give us strength and courage to obey.
Prepare the Lord's own way! Make his paths straight!
It's time to change! We can no longer wait!
The times for yesterday’s Jigsaw
Janice 7:41
Derek 8:58
Jean 9:43
Eddie 10:11
Play the "Mac Lir Monday" puzzle!