Beside The Burn
A short devotional video each day, this week we continue new series in Acts with the work of the Holy Spirit.
Let’s Pray For ModeratorTeach us, O Lord, the value of faithfulness in the little things, and the significance of small words and deeds of grace for the glory of he who, though eternal entered the temporal, though great became small.
Answering God’s invitation to worship ‘Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost’. Isaiah 55:1. Ask God to help us freely find all we need in him as we worship today. St Petersburg Christian University, Russia Pray for the rector, staff and students, especially those graduating, that they would have strength, wisdom and vision for the future despite many challenges and uncertainties. Gujarat United School of Theology (GUST), India Give thanks andpray for the staff and students at GUST, remembering especially those embarking on ministries having graduated at the recent Valedictory Service. |
9 Things You Should Know About Christianity in India
Earlier this month, India overtook China as the world’s most populous country. Christians make up only 2.4 percent of India’s massive population, but the sheer number of believers is still sizable enough to rank it among the 25 countries with the most Christians, surpassing “Christian countries” such as Uganda and Greece. READ MORE HERE |
The times for yesterday’s Jigsaw
Jean 2:49
Derek 3:00
Eddie 3:29
Play the "Tea And Ice Monday" puzzle!