This week we conclude our series for the summer, “Meals With Jesus!”.
One of the things that we have all missed during the Covid Restrictions is being able to eat together with friends and family. These are always such important occasions when we catch up, encourage one another and learn about each other’s lives. In church we have missed sharing those cups of tea and catching up, so this summer we are going to eat a number of meals with Jesus, concluding this week as Jesus eats with Cleopas and his friend in Emmaus.
You can watch the message from Sunday’s Service below.
Let’s Pray For Moderator
The Moderator’s diary for the autumn includes weekly church services, conferences, visits to other organisations and preparations for the General Assembly. Pray for David and Zoe as they begin to travel more extensively around Ireland, north and south. Fanning the flame of congregational life: Being thankful Ask God to make us thankful for how he has blessed us through the summer months, restoring our souls, renewing our enthusiasm, reviving us for what lies ahead. Stephen and Angelina Cowan (global mission workers in Kenya) Give thanks for the interest in change amongst village groups. Pray for all children who will transition to secondary school due to support through the programme here, that they will be influenced by the gospel which is clearly presented at youth events. Romania Pray for the work of PCI’s partner, the Christian Foundation Diakonia, based in Cluj, Transylvania and especially for the work and witness of the Home Care Team. |
“Reading Between The Lines” a series working through the bible looking at the well known phrases.
The Lion Shall Lie Down With The Lamb
J.John speaks with Paul Jones and Fiona Hendley Jones about their life in music and acting. (Part 1 of 2).
Missing Church?
Missing church should feel like missing family. Because we are family. Many are finding it difficult to get back into the rhythm of attending church again. This article reminds us what church should be like. |
Trinity House Residential Home in Garvagh have a number of job opportunities, see below.

trinity_poster_aug2021.pdf |
15 Reasons Your Soul Needs Gathered Worship, Not Just a Livestream
Here are 15 reflections on all that is lost when we choose to worship from the couch instead of the pew. By Dane Ortlund |
The times for Friday’s Jigsaw
Derek 11:43
Jean 12:48
I was very tempted to keep this photograph for the 90 piece puzzle on Friday, but I thought it might be too challenging. It is a beautiful picture of the Sunset over the Bank Holiday Weekend. You may also notice the person riding the Hydro Bike across the water.
Play the "Sunset Monday" puzzle!