Just in case any of you are having internet problems at the moment, there does seem to be a lot of work happening along the roads by Openreach so you could experience some slow down when watching video via the internet. I certainly have been having some problems getting things onto the Burnside Website, so be patient.
You may remember last week I shared “The Blessing” which lots of churches across the UK had recorded, I also shared the South African version and the American version. Now lots of other countries have been doing the same and here is a compilation of some of them. It is such a beautiful song.
Just over a week ago we commemorated 75th Anniversary of VE Day.
RAF Coningsby (@RAFConingsby) Tweeted a special 75th anniversary of VE Day message from their Station Chaplain; Reverend (Squadron Leader) Chris Carré.
Click here to view https://bit.ly/2WsdRnh
Lockdown - Hard To Cope With the Changes? Finding change in lockdown uncomfortable? You're absolutely not alone. But this episode of 'Life Issues' from UCB with Paul Hammond might encourage you to approach these tough changes with a fresh perspective. Click here to listen: https://player.lightcast.com/ycDN3cDN |
UCB - Responding To Coronavirus How do we respond to the coronavirus with a biblical perspective? Click below to hear UCB 2 presenter Chloe Wilson reflect on the article, 'Facing Coronaviris in Christ.' (Only 3:00 minutes long) Click here to listen https://bit.ly/2WoYCvs There are now buttons on the front page of the Website to allow you to easily access UCB Radio. |
UCB - Discouragement Sometimes it helps just to remember that characters in the Bible felt discouragement – just like we do. This sermon from Charles Stanley looks at the story of Paul – a disciple who certainly experienced discouragement! Click here to listen: https://player.lightcast.com/ygTM3gzN |
A few times from yesterday. Thank you so much for sending them in.Jean 3:36
Derek 4:18
Richard 11:09
Today would have been 2nd daytime practice for the NW200 and the first races would have taken place tonight, so the Jigsaw is especially for all you bike fans out there.
Try The Jigsaw
Extra bonus points available if you can name the riders.
Straight to the top of the leader board if you know what year this is from.
Quite a few folk guessed correctly that yesterday it was the Salmon House, if you were in any doubt here it is from another angle. thank you to everyone who sends in guesses.
Where in Portstewart would you find this wind sock? Is this slightly more difficult today?