This week we continue our theme from Sunday of ‘RE-EMERGING’. Each day we develop the theme a little more in a short 5 minutes video.
The Bible Study sheet for week 2 can be downloaded or viewed here.

prism_session_2_web.pdf |
A talk looking at how science proves the Genesis Flood.
Let’s Pray For Leadership in congregations
Give thanks for elders, ministers and other leaders in congregations who have added responsibilities at this time in enabling churches to wisely and creatively respond to present circumstances for ministry. Pray for kirk sessions as they meet either digitally or with social distancing, asking that God’s presence, leading and guiding would remain a very present reality in the strange circumstances in which they gather and discuss together. |
The Work Of Jesus
Anything Ligon Duncan says is well worth listening to, in this video he shares how 2 Samuel 7 sets us up to better understand the work of Jesus and the God’s kingdom. |
Helicopter Seeds
FarmingLifeNI blog is written by Rev Norman Smyth, minister of First and Second Markethill in County Armagh : One of Norman’s childhood memories concerns the ‘helicopter’ seeds of the ash, and even to this day, how ash trees are still one of the last to ‘wake up’ in the spring. Today, unfortunately many are blighted by an incurable disease. Thinking of trees, Norman explains that from Genesis to Revelation, they form the backdrop for humanity. |
Ever viewed God as a bit of a 'fun-squasher'? Journalist Philip Yancey grew up in a strict church in the south of the US, and that's certainly how he viewed God! He shares his story of returning to faith with J. John. Listen now on UCB Player! |
This short video highlights the challenge of Bible translation. It is a reading of Romans 8:18-39, verse by verse, in 20 languages:
(with subtitles incase you don’t speak all twenty languages) English, Tagalog, Spanish, Chinese, French, Turkish, Russian, Swahili, Ukrainian, Cambodian, Albanian, Kyrgyz, Indonesian, Romanian, Macedonian, Kazakh, Mongolian, Classical Arabic, Masri Arabic, and Kurmanji Kurdish.
There are still millions who have yet to hear the hope of the Gospel – that neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
The times for yesterday’s Jigsaw
Jean 2:20
Derek 3:50
Play the "Portstewart Strand" puzzle!