Join us during the “Twelve Days Of Christmas” as we explore a potential meaning behind the strange lyrics of the song, and discover the gifts that God has for those who love him. Day 11
All the studies on the 12 Days Of Christmas so far are available at this link
Let’s Pray For David Boyd (Irish mission worker in Dublin)
Give thanks and pray for the International Café which now runs events online. Pray for David as he does a Bible study with one of the girls who attended the events. Pray too for the 3D Groups as they meet online and as they prepare for mission after the pandemic. Hazel Reid (Deaconess in First Broughshane) Pray for God’s guidance and encouragement for Hazel. Pray for her as she adapts to her ministry due to the restrictions and seeks opportunities to share her faith. |
For one week only Wilma is providing her thoughts.
She sent me the following page from a 1997 edition of the Wider World.
Wilma introduced it by saying,
“In the Moderator’s Sermon on Sunday (Sunday 27th December 2020) he mentioned his Christmas Card and the meaning in it. I recalled the following which you might wish to include in your blog. A one off!”
A recording by Keith and Kristyn Getty from their recent Evensong recording.
After a break for a couple of weeks we return with Question 11.
What Does God Require in the Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Commandments?
Sixth, that we do not hurt, or hate, or be hostile to our neighbor, but be patient and peaceful, pursuing even our enemies with love. Seventh, that we abstain from sexual immorality and live purely and faithfully, whether in marriage or in single life, avoiding all impure actions, looks, words, thoughts, or desires, and whatever might lead to them. Eighth, that we do not take without permission that which belongs to someone else, nor withhold any good from someone we might benefit.
Nicodemus (30 minute Audio)
Why did he arrange a private night-time meeting with Jesus? What is the fundamental question that Jesus answers? What remarkable impact did Jesus have on Nicodemus? Find out in this episode of Bible Biogs, now on UCB Player! |
The Christian Institute has been working hard to promote biblical Christianity in the public square and to defend Christian freedom in 2020. This is a review of issues that made the headlines in this challenging year.
Bible Biogs - Ep 48. Paul (30 minute audio)
• How did a convinced persecutor of Christians become a history-shaping Christian himself? • Why did his lengthy trips by land and sea change the world forever? • What drove him to explain his transformed life with everyone he met? Find out in this episode of Bible Biogs! |
This article appeared in the Belfast Telegraph over the weekend.
The times for yesterday’s Jigsaw
Jean 2:03
Derek 3:50
Another photo of one of the vintage Citroens that stopped on the Strand a couple of years ago. They had driven all the way from France and were touring Ireland.
Play the "Citroen Tuesday" puzzle!