Prayer Today is the day that our prayer meeting always meet. Most of the items in the blog today are therefore about prayer. Why not take a moment or two to be inspired by the articles and then set aside some time to pray. Remember you can access the Virtual Prayer Room on the Burnside Website. Tides Tides have also joined us with the theme of prayer today. |
7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Has the pandemic changed your prayer life? Perhaps you’re on your knees like never before.
Rise in prayer and religious service attendance to be met with a step up in our witness. According to research launched by Tearfund, and conducted by Savanta ComRes, many in the UK are turning to prayer during the crisis. A third of UK adults (33 per cent) have prayed since the beginning of the pandemic. What is our response to be?
From Evangelical Alliance
Jesus' Unanswered Prayer? Did Jesus have unanswered prayer? Did the Son of God, a member of the 3-in-1 Trinity that is God Himself, pray to the Father, and get rejected? Read more here - |
Jesus spent a lot of time in prayer during His earthly ministry. He prayed for Himself (see John 17:1–5). He prayed for His disciples (see John 17:6–26). With His dying breath, He prayed for His enemies (see Luke 23:34)
Read more here -

Each week PCI give us a prayer as part of Let’s Pray - These Three Remain.
Here is this week’s prayer, In this moment - A prayer for faith in the face of fear
Faithful God,
these are frightening times we find ourselves living through.
It’s like our whole world is on edge;
a massive cloud has descended,
casting a great shadow over all of life,
and hiding you from our sight.
Fear spreads faster than the virus itself;
manufacturing worry,
multiplying anxiety,
making us nervous.
We stumble along by faith and not sight,
not because you have told us to,
but because we have no choice.
It feels like treading a tightrope,
sometimes we gain balance as we look to you,
but more often we waver unsteadily,
swaying in the clamour of the latest news and views.
Like that father in the gospel,
bringing his son to be set free from the spirit which tormented him,
we do believe,
because you are God,
because you have never let us down,
because you have the words of eternal life;
yet we need you to help us overcome our unbelief,
because we do doubt,
because our minds race,
because our hearts wander.
So, enable us to have faith in you in the face of fear,
to know our days steadied by it,
to find the inward strengthening of our hearts by it,
to discover our lives showing and sharing it.
For we ask it, believing and not doubting,
in Jesus’ name.
Why doesn’t god answer my prayers, someone might ask.
Well, one reason could be that God doesn’t do stupid things.
Read more here -
We simply cannot be sure, but here is an article from the BBC news site, looking at churches in England.
Coronavirus: Churches may not be back to normal by end of year
Read more here
Drive Through - Drive In Churches
The NI Executive in their plan released yesterday, mentioned the possibility of Drive Through Churches in the next step of easing lockdown restrictions. It will be interesting to see how all of this works out in practice. It does work in the summer time at the North West 200 Pits or The East Strand Car-Park in Portrush, but I’m not sure if it would be as helpful as Burnside At Home is proving to be, because even though we might all be together in one place, we wouldn’t be allowed to get out of our cars and talk to each other. We still would find it difficult to sing with each other and our outreach would also be limited to the people who made the effort to attend, rather than all the people who are now listening at home. I also wonder how many of us at present would want to leave our homes for a Drive Through service while most of the other restrictions still apply, or how well it would be accepted by our neighbours on a peaceful Sunday morning with a church service being amplified. There are a lot of things to think about, we will have to wait and see what happens.
As we slowly come out of #lockdown this is important to #prayForUnity in the church. Without unity in our fellowships and across the #church family we are in trouble. Jesus predicted church growth but PRAYS for #unity. John 14-16
Yesterday we marked International Nurses Day with the thoughtful piece from Wilma, the Moderator has also praised the dedication & compassion of nurses on #InternationalNursesDay "I believe Florence Nightingale would have been proud of those who followed in her footsteps. A pride that is shared by my Church & those beyond its bounds”
You can read the full article here -
Everyone who said the building at the car park on the Harbour Hill is correct. (William, Edgar, Derek). Thank you for the comments and the emails, it is lovely to receive your guesses. One responder guessed the Where Is It? correctly and then said, “Not sure what it was but i am sure you will tell us all tomorrow”. Sorry to disappoint, but I’m not sure what it was, It used to have a cross on top and a red light which I always assumed was a navigation marker for ships, but I never knew for sure.
Where Is It? Today?