This week we continue our theme from Sunday of ‘RE-EMERGING’. Each day we develop the theme a little more in a short 5 minutes video.
Prism Bible Study Sheet
The Bible Study sheet for week 2 can be downloaded or viewed here. |
Watch the Full Film looking at Noah and the flood and its place in history
On Wednesday the focus of the Blog is prayer. Remember you can join us for at 12 today via Zoom for Prayer and Bible Study.
Let’s Pray For Beirut
Pray for the city of Beirut and its population suffering from the many devastating effects of the recent explosion, asking that God would help them as they respond and begin to try to recover some sort of normality. Give thanks for the many ways in which help is being provided to the people of Beirut, asking God to bless and use the efforts of all those organisations and individuals involved. |
A prayer for discernment as life returns to a new normality
Lord of this season of stepping into the future,
I’m beginning to think there might not be much new,
in what is becoming normal again.
It’s so easy to slip back thoughtlessly into old ways,
as the speed of having to get up and going again picks up pace.
I’m in danger of missing what it is that you want to teach me through all I’ve experienced -
the kind of change that you want to bring to my life.
And what if what does become new has novelty value for now,
but turns out to be shallow and worthless?
It’s so easy to have my head turned by the voices of the world,
summoning me to a lifestyle that does not reflect the heart changing ways of your kingdom.
I’m in danger of minimising those core things that you want to bring back into focus -
calling me to prioritise them once again.
It all feels like a bit of a muddle just now,
my head and heart spinning in the messy middle of the road out of lockdown.
So, please grant me a discerning heart,
shaped by attentiveness to your Word,
soaked in prayerfulness,
watchful for what you are doing in and around me,
not so taken up with all the nuts and bolts of what has to be done and how,
that I miss the wood for the trees.
I know life has to return to a new normality,
but may it be one that is further fashioned by the norms of your ways for me.
Help me to trust in you Lord with all my heart,
not to lean on my own understanding,
or be distracted by the ever-changing sound bites of the world.
Enable me to see and acknowledge you in all my ways –
personal, home, family, social, working, church and community life.
Straighten my steps on your path ahead for my life,
as I edge into your new normal.
For the glory of Jesus.
Pray Like Never Before
A short prayer guide from Evangelical Alliance to download. |
Over 40 days, this prayer journey will lead you through the four key stages of transition: discerning the signals of change; ending well as you let go of the old; feeling disorientated; and getting reorientated in your new situation.
As you pray through these stages, you’ll learn how to navigate times of transition with God and grow your trust in him – the one who charts the course ahead.
Subscribe via email at the following webpage -
New These Three Remain podcast now out about 'Leading Together' – Rick Hill is joined by elders Rosie Donaldson (Kirkpatrick) and Joe Campbell (First Holywood) as well as Rev James Rogers (Ballynure PCI) and Rev Alistair Bill
The times for yesterday’s Jigsaw Janice 1:42 Play the "Beach Branch" puzzle! |