We have begun a series in Paul’s letter to the Philippians - Finding Joy Right Here. Paul reminds us that we are citizens of Heaven but we still have to live right here everyday as disciples of Jesus Christ. Each day we have a short devotional video based on some verses from the letter.
Another version of Philippi, that was mentioned on the Blog yesterday.
Let’s Pray For Naomi Keefe (global mission worker, Brazil)Pray for the planning of evangelistic events to take place on St John the Baptist Day in June. Give thanks that Christian children from the Good News club are encouraging their mums to go to the ‘Coffee with God’ Bible Studies. Pray that the women will come to faith in Jesus Christ.
BrazilPray for the work and witness of the Igreja Presbiteriana do Brazil(IPB) which has around 650,000 members in 5,000 congregations throughout Brazil. |
“Reading Between The Lines” a series working through the bible looking at the well known phrases.
Christian Unions Ireland
The prayer points for this week. 13 – 19 May It has been hard to gather the CU this term at TUS, Limerick (formerly Limerick IT). Many have been, and still are, on placement recently. Pray for the Christian students to still be an encouragement to each other and to share the gospel with friends even while on placement and over exams. There has been a lot of contact this year with international students and students who are exploring faith in University College Cork CU. Pray for those friendships to carry on even over busy exam times and into the summer. Pray for fruitful engagement with international students before they head home. |
Open Doors - World Watch List
Open Doors has updated the World Watch List. The list of countries where it is most dangerous to be a Christian in 2022. The full list can be found here https://www.opendoorsuk.org/persecution/world-watch-list/ This week the focus is on Saudi Arabia the 11th most dangerous country in the world to be a Christian. Read about it here https://www.opendoorsuk.org/persecution/world-watch-list/saudi-arabia/ |
Arab World Ministries
If you would like to find out more about Arab World Ministries, they have a range of books available at 10OfThose. FIND OUT MORE HERE- https://www.10ofthose.com/uk/partners/awm |
The times for yesterday’s Jigsaw
Derek 3:14
Eddie 4:54
Play the "Royal Mile Wednesday" puzzle!